My phobia itself is stupid. I'm scared of butterflies. And moths. And it's beautiful for everyone but it scares me to death.and everyone just tells me it's so beautiful and cute. It might be for you. Not for me.   2 reply
10 07,2021
School counselor bc therapy is expensive and I am poor. I won't say what secret it was but Istg they can never keep a secret,just some tips for anyone who's never been to counseling is to never trust their "it's only between us,I won't tell anyone".   reply
09 07,2021
'' lIzArDs ArE gOoD fOr ThE eNvIoRnMeNt'' ''tHeY wOn'T dO aNyThInG'' bitch i know, but I'm scared   reply
07 07,2021
POV [Answer]
06 07,2021
Well, since now, this question is starting to be shown and with that are confusion of why I even ask this. Here is my own explanation and you can still answer this question however you like. In my country, transgender is the most common form of lgbtq, nevertheless, they are not shown with any respect from growing children. I post this question wit......   reply
06 07,2021
POV [Answer]
Haichan 06 07,2021
Not ya'll going off about this. There is nothing wrong with being trans. I would correct them and drop kick them because they used it as an insult.   reply
06 07,2021
POV [Answer]
06 07,2021
Hit the child, call him a mf and run away. Or just ignore them i really hate them kids   1 reply
06 07,2021
I never had one. And i have trust issues so woulden't even trust this man or woman   reply
06 07,2021
//mention of suicide My second therapist was a cunt. I asked him to not mention some things about my parents because it makes me uncomfortable and they'd believe it was me who told him when it wasn't true and I could get in trouble. Ten minutes later, what does he do? Tells my parents in front of me. So I got verbally abused and got into shock for......   reply
06 07,2021
I have no therapist and also im poor only some can afford to go therapist cause my parents will say its gonna be a waste of money and gonna say because of my phone everything even if im falling on the ground or even dead now their gonna say its the damn phone why i died   reply
06 07,2021
I went to a therapist only for a short while, I went due to my anger issues and it was going fine except for the fact that she made me feel uncomfortable. Then I found out that are sessions were recorded and the recording went to my parents I flipped out on her and the beat the shit out of her. then the security came over and it was a total mess.   2 reply
06 07,2021

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