Tbh I follow people in the comments who I think are funny or have good taste, anybody else I follow I most likely know them IRL. So yeah kinda lmao   reply
22 07,2024
I don't follow anyone. I don't care about people on this site.   reply
12 04,2024
I follow ppl who r funny, interesting and have interesting homepages I can stalk   reply
12 04,2024
I only follow like 3 people I think and they're all randos from like 3 years ago who I don't remember. I read on here all the time but I'm not really active no mo when it come to forums and commenting and shit.   reply
12 04,2024
Holy just realized I have followers on here wtf???   reply
12 04,2024
honestly, I stalk them sometimes to see what they're reading and get some recommendations from them   reply
12 04,2024
Ya’ll we can follow people???   1 reply
11 04,2024
not really. i don’t follow that many people lol   reply
11 04,2024
Sometimes, yeah! I just like following people with good taste   1 reply
11 04,2024
Ngl most of them are just people who I've met in discord servers and got along with it (Just kidding, I beef with them with every chance I get), people I have similar taste with, or translators/uploaders. Just pretty chillers   reply
10 04,2024

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