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Ok so i have this acquantince in my tutoring place. So we gave a mock today and like i clicked a picture of the ans sheet from her phone cuz my phone was dead. we later calculated my marks and i got my score. i go home and she texts me after a while saying she recelculated MY score and told me a lesser score. and she has done this previosly asw. am i weird for being slightly annoyed abt this???
11 10,2023
You know you had to wake up early in the morning but you just found a perfect manga to binge read and you already started reading it cuz u can't help it.(▰˘◡˘▰)

Bruhhhh I had a work tomorrow but I can't stop myself frrrr
06 08,2023
The reason why I'm posting this on mangago is because I don't know any other website that's perfect for this atm.
(also there's a chance the author im talking about is on here buuuut whatever, i started this discussion for a reason)

so there's this webtoon (canvas) called "Fond of You", it's BL, by MrSpace21. (,)
Unlike most webtoons, this author interacts with their fans using episodes. So, the author posts an episode of "Fond of You" per week (titled with ★), and between them, there are additional episodes (titled with ☾) where the author basically treats webtoon as a social media.

The additional episodes has been deleted (one of them was about the author AND includes the author's face (covered with a black mask)) somewhere after/before the author uploaded an episode (latest as of today) titled "Again." posted 4 hours ago based on the comments (
I have a hunch that the episode will be deleted so i will put it here (because I can't upload pictures on questions, I'll type the episode myself).

[ *discord link* (that i wont put on here because I don't know if that's the right thing to do, have it on my notepad tho) ]

In case I get banned you can find me in this to see my plan of what I will do for the series.

[ You can again,
Help me with the proof reading. ]

[ You can also find me in Tapas to avoid the drama. (I checked Tapas and found it, it's under the same name but just without "Again." Also for some reason there's still so many people who followed the comic on Tapas.) ]

[ *A picture of the author's avatar that they usually use in additional chapters* This is just the beginning and I will fight until the end. ]

No matter how many times I get banned in the future,

I will keep coming to share my art and updates for future episodes.

[ We'll see who's more commited in this battlefield. ]

Literally like that
So, when I first saw this episode, I thought the author just got caught up in some drama about the additional episodes (something of the sort happened before this). But the comments said otherwise,
the author was "rAISinG" minors to do "inappropriate things" using, of course, discord.
So basically, based by the MANY comments, the author had a discord server, did 'that', deleted the server when they got called out, and made another discord server.

Now, I don't know exactly when and how the author was called out. I didn't join the previous discord server and I was off webtoon before "Again." was posted, I remember receiving a notification, not 4 hours ago, from "Fond of You" but it's blurry so don't take my word for it.
But there's this user named "kusaci" that is said to know what happened and has proofs but unfortunately, I (emphasis on I) can't get in touch with them because that user wanted to talk to people about it using discord (if you want to do it yourself you can go through the comments of "Again.")

This is my opinion on the "Again." episode. The author did not mention what the drama is about and kept it vague. I've watched enough of commentary YouTube videos to know that doing that means like, a HUGE red flag, and also most people who were afterwards proven to be in the wrong does these type of stuff (keeping things vague).
As a person who read almost every episodes of "Fond of You" including the additional ones, I know that the author have that kind of attitude (not giving a shit). That was why when I first read "Again.", I didn't see the flags, because I was used to it. I'm glad the top comments calles out the author.

Other than the comments calling the author out, most of them are people asking on what happened. And because Webtoon's comment section is very limited, you can't really start a discussion with proof and stuff. So if you one of you guys actually knows more about this, please post them here.
If you also want to share your opinion on this, feel free to share because like i said, i started this discussion for a reason

i hope mangago lets me post this-
22 06,2021
I feel like I actually learn/retain how to do something and information better when I mess up or have it wrong in my mind and then correct it or think it through and understand it, rather then when I understand a concept right off the bat.
Mistakes and correcting them are more prominent in my memory, than just doing something right the first time.
But it kinda sucks to learn that way because most classes and tests and stuff don’t really give you an opportunity to get it right and understand something if you don’t do it right right from the start. And before the stubborn people start spouting about how in the real world you don’t get a second chance, trust me I know, but school is meant to be a place to learn. When kids/ teens can’t redo, practice, or learn the right way after a mistake, it’s just gonna stay as something they didn’t understand and still don’t.
01 06,2021
I had a dream that I killed someone.
I shoved them into the bathroom and ignored their pleas for mercy.
I had a dream that I killed someone.
I turned on the bathtub and filled it with scorching hot water.
I had a dream that I killed someone.
I covered their small lips with my hand to cover their screams.
I had a dream that I killed someone.
I pushed them in and watched them while they flinched in pain as their skin burned.
I had a dream that I killed someone.
I wrapped my fingers around their neck and squeezed trying to silence them before anyone came.
I had a dream that I killed someone.
I locked eyes with them as a sad smile came across their face as they pitied me.
I had a dream that I killed someone.
I pressed my thumbs harder as they slowly stopped struggling, willing me to kill them.
I had a dream that I killed someone.
I lost my breath as a sense of understanding came between us, for one of us had to die to let the other live.
I had a dream that I killed someone.
I did not loosen my grip until they lost consciousness and became defenseless in my hands
I had a dream that I killed someone.
I slowly nudged them into the tub, making their whole body covered by water.
I had a dream that I killed someone.
I sat there on the toilet holding just their wrist, sobbing, as their body grew cold and pulse weakened.
I had a dream that I killed someone.
I lost focus as they slowly drowned in that tub of misery.
I had a dream that I killed someone.
I stood up on my weak legs and reached out to the body.
I had a dream that I killed someone.
I wished that I could bring them buck but I knew that they had to die so I could be free.
I had a dream that I killed someone.
I kissed the pale hand that had no beat and quiet tears slipped down my face.
I had a dream that I killed someone.
I watched as their hair floated in the water and moved around as I slid my fingers across the surface.
I had a dream that I killed someone.
I killed them because I could not love them but still I regretted my actions when it was over.
I had a dream that I killed someone.
I killed them so I could be free of my prison.
I had a dream that I killed someone.
I woke up of that dream afraid of the truth.
I had a dream that I killed someone.
04 03,2021
Like idk man, imagine having your providee give you things through hard effort and then their child just cheats their way to the top and there's people who don't cheat. They just fail or they pass without cheating.
But as a stupid yet smart peanut brain that I am, I kinda don't feel much pity.

Like I did cheat my way to the top 3 scores in History class because out teacher said "top 3 winners gets to decide the punishment for top 3 losers"
I didn't ask the person I gave punishment something huge because I did cheat so I only asked them to present boku no pico op on the google meet screen.

It's not that hard, right? When I gave him (punished classmate) the link, our teacher said the video shouldn't be anything explicit so I said "oh wait shit nvm nvm I'll pick another video"
Teacher scolded us for not having discipline and shit, I bet she didn't know what the video was because she asked what's BNP.

Yeah I picked another video, I asked the punished classmate to present his screen and click the link, and I rickrolled the class.

So man idk, maybe for occassions like these, I think it's worth it. I wanted to go for BNP opening though but maybe another time if this happens again.
11 12,2020
22 11,2020
give me ideas for my discord

I was thinking of putting manga study and
yaoi study.tell me what you think

also you want to support me join my discord (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
22 11,2020
Jesus 22 11,2020
and tomorrow too
22 11,2020
Moonkey 22 11,2020
It always makes me laugh when people start hate threads on Mangago as if they are going to get clout, applause or get famous like? Wake tf up, this is a illegal manga site, you ain't winning a thing, the only thing you are doing is embarrassing yourself showing you have nothing better to do.

Let's all ignore this clown mf
22 11,2020