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Picture yourself like this. Your -first- ex is someone you met online. You peeps never met irl. That's the -only- romantic experience you've got so far. If someone questions you with "have you gotten yourself into a relationship/do you have any ex?" would you say yes or no? (ik weird question but that happens)

I personally would say no because i've only had casual relationship online (3 exes, 2 months was the longest, 2 lasted for like- 2 weeks↓). Also, I don't really believe in online relationship stuff. (if you do then ig i understand. i'm not rly just into it.)

What are your thoughts?
27 08,2023
That we find other people attractive if their face is symmetrical... probably the reason why most of us on here think 2D is hotter than 3D
02 11,2020
Silky_13 05 10,2020
Anyone out there who wants to be friends with a random person....who is introvert and will not hesitate to say the bitter truth on your face...Anyone??? 'Cause I am.
Anyone out there?
05 10,2020
Okay so I’m about to be 18 in August and I’m pretty lonely like I know I want a relationship not bc I’m lonely but idk if I should put myself out there and be hey slide in my dm and shit like that or I should just wait for the right guy or person to come around when the time is right. Bc I feel like if I put myself out there I might seems and start going desperate or should I keep my head up and hold my pride and just wait for someone to come to me??
29 06,2019
I didn't grow up during the height of the punk movement but punk and ska are the genres that get to me the most? Anyone else who rocks that punk scene?
18 03,2018
08 05,2017
Have not done it, but guys, I'm about to be mid-20s and haven't been on a date, never had a bf, and am highly uncomfortable talking to guys, usuallly bc I always feel pressured bc he could be "the one". I've gotten close to guys before, but I've always never pursued it bc I figured it would just happen one day. lol. It didn't. I'd just like to hear anybody's thoughts/experiences about this. Bc, I think, it's about time, that I venture into the world of internet dating, since real life dating doesn't look like it's going to happen...

It's definitely time to actually try and find someone to share my life with. Key word there being try...(๑•ㅂ•)و✧
08 05,2017