I was always that young kid in advanced classes so I had some people who were really friendly to me and some people who just hated me. The people who hated me would always try to compare exam grades with me and on the final for this one class they had taken bets mostly guessing how hard I was gonna fail, I got a 1 and most of them got 3s and 4s. I ......   reply
22 01,2024
Okay story time BC I NEED OPINIONS MKAY? So someone I know f(17) is crushing on a M(24) and he's reciprocating back?? And they been goin on since she was 16 and wants us to support her?? MOFO YOU'RE GETTING GROOMED SHUT UP pretty sure they're js waiting for her to turn 18 to make it official. Later we found out he has a history w drugs, bad history......   3 reply
22 01,2024
I once said to a guy that rejected me (I only said i was interested in him) that he wasnt all that and that his crush didn't want him since he kept rambling abt how he had me wrapped around his finger   reply
22 01,2024
The voices in my head humble me everytime   1 reply
22 01,2024
Some bro won't shut up about wanting me to be his wife 24/7, so I pulled up the Yarichin Bitch Club trailer, full volume right into his face and I said "This is what I'm into" Highschool was very peaceful after that   6 reply
22 01,2024
Some guy was making my friend uncomfortable by making a lot of sexual comments towards her, so I gave him an in-depth explanation of how I would like to impregnate him and watch him deliver our child. He didn't talk to me again after that :( I miss my submissive omega princess.   3 reply
22 01,2024
very very well and this happened pretty recently too lol but anyways it was this toxic friend of mine who was such a delusional person she tried to gaslight and manipulate everyone every second even during apologies so when i confronted her abt her behavior and also her literally gatekeeping my friend (yes u read that right, she literally said we ......   2 reply
21 01,2024
humbled a pick me girl before...most satisfying shit I've ever done   reply
21 01,2024
i had this friend who id send our childhood pics to (to reminisce abt the good 'ol days) and cuz we went to kindergarten together n we were super close, but one day this girl snapped at me saying i was obsessed w her, that i was stalking her, n that it was fan behaviour?? (i probably sent like 4 pics max in total) anyways i got mad n started going......   reply
21 01,2024
Homosexuals hate me, and I hate homosexuals. I can't be in the same room with them, they'll kill me. Gays (100) vs me A homophobe (1) No fair!   3 reply
21 01,2024

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