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I hope I can get some help in knowing more about my sexuality. So I like guys, but sometimes I can like girls(rarely), you can say that personality it's what makes me like someone. The problem is that when I'm making out with the person I like I don't get any feeling (sexual feeling) for me it's just simple physical touch that I'm allowing.
And I thought well maybe that wasn't a good kiss, but they all feel like that, even thou I really like the person.
So now here I am confused and all because like how does that even work?
04 07,2021
21 06,2021
i broke up with my ex bf two weeks ago and since then, i started doubting if i really like men bc recently i havent been attracted to them at all, maybe im straight after all not bi idk
21 06,2021
(schools in my area wonky asf so we have the same ppl in every class)

so y'all know pride month right? yes? no? ok. Half my class is homophobic, even one of my friends. They all got so mad over seeing pride flags in some teacher's rooms, a trans girl who was wearing one of those "HUMAN" flags, and a drawing someone did of a pride flag. When we were heading into drama class (FAVORITE TEACHER OMG SHES SO SUPPORTIVE AND UGH) they were saying bs like "I just wanna rip that pride flag like ugh" and "eww pride flags" to the drawings, and as I was walking to my seat I said to my friend "why is like half the class homophobic" and a girl said in response "ikr gay ppl suck"

Now that last one might have been a slight joke by the 'pick-me' (stereotypical, ik) but after she said that she pointed to me and said, "aren't you bi?" and I replied so quick like it was a survival reflex, "no?"

May I add, almost everyone was by her and I didn't like the attention so I prob said it to end it fast? Anyway, after I said no some of them were like "I KNEW it" "I told you, bro" and deadass that made me question my sexuality HARD. After they all went and sat down my friend said "They all thought you were bi or gay bc of your bangs lol"
The fuck? How does me getting bangs mean I'm gay

That was my last class of the day so when I was on the bus it was all I could think ab and, I still can't believe it, but I deadass thought "Should I just be straight so I don't have to deal with them?"

So yeah some homophobic classmates made me deadass question my sexuality, just felt the need to share that even though this is THE time we all need to support each other, no one is. For me, at least
10 06,2021
So Im a straight girl or so I thought but sometimes I get this dream where I'm doing the dirty with girls... I rarely get erotic dreams and they're like random???? sometimes it's about boys and sometimes it's about girls and the comparison is like 2/4 (boys/girls) and it's just weird??? I never found any of my girl friends or any of the opposite gender attractive... Am I just dense??? Clueless? Am I actually bi? I'm just confused sometimes I like to lay on my back and think about this stuff... It's making me hella confused where did that dreams come from??? :/
08 04,2021
Yoongles 05 03,2021
Is anybody here get dizzy and nauseated by eating or smelling blueberries? The worst is vomiting when you eat it? Am i the only one?
05 03,2021
Hey everyone,

I am sure you have all have heard the debate there is between the term pan and the term bi. If we go by its definition.

Bisexuality: Bisexuality is romantic attraction, sexual attraction, or sexual behavior toward both males and females, or to more than one sex or gender.

Pansexuality: Pansexuality is sexual, romantic or emotional attraction towards people regardless of their sex or gender identity. Pansexual people may refer to themselves as gender-blind, asserting that gender and sex are not determining factors in their romantic or sexual attraction to others.

As you may have seen, heard or read both terms (excluding other multi gender attractions) feel some connection to genders. So why do they say or imply that pansexuality is transphobic? If they like the person for who they are. Is it because they don’t validate the gender? Making people feel discouraged?

I hope trans people can answer and whoever has some kind of knowledge on this situation.

Thankssss and have a wonderful day or night!!!!!
28 12,2020
fingerblaster_800 20 12,2020
why do some people try and justify their fetishizing of MLM by saying "they're fictional?" mf, idc, your plain fucking weird and not in a good way.
20 12,2020
I can't find anymore games that give robux anymore and group payouts are glitching for my group and I don't feel like using a sight because some are scams-
20 12,2020
I am genuinely curious and totally not looking for recommendations :)
20 12,2020
What time is it where you live right now?
20 12,2020
Coffin milfmilk 19 12,2020
so i saw a question talking about sucking alien cock and that sounds hella good ngl like image having a big fat juicy purple cock 4 u like mmmm
19 12,2020
Mine was at this pizza place. I was fucking this girl and not gonna lie I think she was a virgin cuz she had no experience like at all. Like this girl couldn't even kiss well.
19 12,2020
nothing in this world is normal
everything and everyone is different and weird
19 12,2020
Really. I do. But I'm addicted to procrastination.

Remedies for sleep anyone?
19 12,2020
19 12,2020
So, I'm gay. I like guys. Boom. BUT Recently, I've just been...idk, noticing girls?

And I'm confused af. Am I just liking how they're looking?
Like....I'm wondering if it's just me KNOWING that they're attractive and that there is no actual ATTRACTION.
Or is there? I'm not sure anymore. And ufckfukc idfk anymore.
And then I'm thinking 'should it matter what gender they are? I think I just like people who are awesome and nice', would that be Pan? WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE EVEN? Google made me more confused when trying to look things up because they're all written by people who are biased and then I'm just super lost right now. I can't even explain my thoughts.

So then I'm more confused beyond confused and, though I'm not big on labels, I still want a basic outline of what I like and don't like, you know? I mean it doesn't need to be put in a box, but at the same time, I want to ugh. idk. I just don't know.

19 12,2020