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20 09,2023
Drop your favorite Fanarts or Official Art if you want to, I just want to look at Artworks (●'◡'●)
20 09,2023
i feel like a lot stories' art style depend on where it came from. a lot of times i can look at an art style and guess if its from a manhua, manhwa, or a manga. i dont know, just for some reason theres some sort of vibe from the art style that makes you think, "oh thats from a manhwa" or "that looks like its from a manga"
30 05,2021
When I was a kid
And someone told me that their phone number was 911
And as the stupid little child I was I used my mums phone to call the number while she was sleeping
I hung up as soon as I saw the hospital logo
They called them back and I got in so much trouble

Also fyi I knew what the number to call the ambulance was before this incident even happened
01 01,2021
Hey fuck you
I am here crying because of you XD
But I'm fine
We all are fine except my brother he's not
But I my friend.. I am perfectly fine
Ayo the one good thing about you is I found this site.. And my addiction to yaoi and yuri is fucking the most its ever Been...
And my addiction to Korean language and Thai language is also the most its been..
And you stupid fucking dumbass made me realize that I will never be the perfect girl they wanted..
Mm and also tell 2021 to fucking leave cuz we still be in school lockdown then to
Your man seven (yo I haven't came out to anyone yet so y'all will never find me)

So what would you make a note to 2020
01 01,2021
wanna make it zero?
31 12,2020
Forg 31 12,2020
Go to my account find the album called cool click on it come back and tell me how you reacted to seeing what was in it

(idc if I do it or not)
31 12,2020