Fell In Love With Manhwa Boys

Just because (⌒▽⌒) that's a good enough reason for ppl to hate me   reply
28 02,2021
28 02,2021
Because i'm "too sarcastic" or i'm "too bitchy" I can't help it, my family made me this way.   1 reply
28 02,2021
i literally kno no one for them to hate me lmao alone4life ;-;   reply
28 02,2021
Stardust 28 02,2021
Idk you tell me   2 reply
28 02,2021
Jesus 28 02,2021
irl? dunno, I'm not even talking too much. here? dunno, I'm not even talking too much.   1 reply
28 02,2021
onigiri 28 02,2021
I'm too hot for them   3 reply
28 02,2021
Forg 28 02,2021
Whaaat People love me/j I actually haven't met anyone who hates me   1 reply
28 02,2021
the rider
28 02,2021
because theyre insecure duh   1 reply
28 02,2021
cuz i always steal there women or man   3 reply
28 02,2021
Coco :)
28 02,2021
Am bored so tell me what do people hate you for and why?
28 02,2021

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