Well I just spent the most amazing and lovely 9 days in Japan and so I think it is pretty darn awesome. Of course you're not suppsoed to go there expecting it to be like anime or manga haha!! Real life is always different. I discovered so many interesting and unique things about Japan, from visiting all the different districts in Tokyo like Shibuya......   2 reply
25 08,2017
Just because Japan isn't like manga doesn't mean it's not a good place. Of course it's not anime paradise. That's only in certain parts like Akihabara and DENDENTown. School life is boring if you make it boring. Schools restrict dating because they want the kids to focus on school obviously and I think that's good. A lot of high school students sti......   1 reply
25 08,2017
Do people actually go to japan expecting for their lives to turn into some romantic comedy drama or something? That sounds like a childish dream. I want to visit Japan to stuff my face with all that cute-looking food !!! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   3 reply
25 08,2017
this is so fucking funny to me lmao but im not even surprised that people are projecting what they know from anime and manga onto the real world. ofc its not like life in a manga HAHAHAHAA Japan is a lot more than anime and manga and trying to simplify a whole country full of history and y'know, some dope real life diverse culture into some mass pr......   2 reply
25 08,2017
There is radiation in Japan right now, and it's not anime paradise. Also, school life is actually really boring, and you are not allowed to date in highschool. It's really not like life in manga.
25 08,2017
There is radiation in Japan right now, and it's not anime paradise.
25 08,2017
ANIME fantasy!!!! [Experience]
13 03,2016
I died my hair red like yona now I have to become an anime and marry a hot anime guy   3 reply
13 03,2016

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