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Got confessed yesterday that was my first time getting confess to, by a girl.

I like her but not as much as she love me. (I flirt with people all the times, never thought something like this would ever happened to me) Plus I'm a believer queer + believer.. what a bs combination. Im struggling w this for a very long time and still am today. If I could, I want to share a lifetime with her but IM SCARED. I reject her by saying "I'm very happy as I am rn" it's all thanks to her tho, bcs she makes me happy.

I asked her if we could still remains friends and she answered "It's a rejection, you didn't throw me out your life right?" She's too precious to me I only want the best for her

Idk what to do rn, we still text eo. I feel so bad. Idk how to act
28 05,2024
how do i reject someone who's been liking me for nearly 2 years?? his actions are seriously so uncomfortable and even said that i'm disgusting bcs i read bl. so how can i turn them down or actually say "i dont like you so fuck off." in a nice way??
18 07,2021
So I'm about to go to bed now and I wanna imagine scenariosbut I my brain is dead plssssss I NEED IT anything as long as they are good!

Wholesome, fluffy, or seggs scenes!!! Plsss
18 07,2021
And i failed
That's it
I'm using this as a fidget toy idc anymore
23 05,2021
23 05,2021
If ur ever bored and want to watch something here's a lovely KIDS movie to move ur hearts
23 05,2021
My near death experience was me almost getting hit by a car
When i saw the car coming towards me all i saw was white
I think it was the car's lights but honestly who knows?
Anyways i felt numb at that moment
Like i didn't feel anything and just looked at the car like i was a deer in headlights
I didn't move until my mom moved me out of the way
Then she asked me "What are you doing? Were you trying to die?!"
I replied "I don't know, maybe i just wanted to see jesus" i didn't know what to say in that moment because i was still shocked so i said this on impulse
23 05,2021
dear benjamin is the superior omegaverse
23 05,2021
I don't have anyone that I like or a crush or even a person that I could think of... lol what do I do?
22 05,2021
Would this person be alive or dead
22 05,2021
I want to die. I want to jump off a building and go splat. But I can't. I'm weak. I can't bring myself to do it because I'm scared. All I can do is cry about it. I hate it.
20 05,2021
I fell Inlove with my best friend. She's so nice and sweet and I love her soo much. Texting her makes my heart flutter and I'm filled with joy. But she has a girlfriend, and I don't know if I should tell her or anything. She means the world to me and I want her to be happy, but I can't stand the thought of her with that bitch.

I need help
11 05,2021
10 05,2021
ayo shout out to that one kid in 1st grade that was my dog. Pretty weird experience now that I think about it, but you were a little freaky bro. You would make me pet ur head and u would follow me on all fours. You also barked and would fetch things for me. Just so i can get this off my chest, I would push ur bangs up not because u were cute, but because u had a big ass forehead. Good for you if you became a furry. You did try to kiss me once, but I'll let that slide. And if you ever see this, im sorry for exposing you.
10 05,2021
Ok.. I been friend with him for 2 years and that day. He finally show his true from!!!.
I can see his angry face and i'm scared. Thank god Mazino there(not yet) "can you leave me and Yoshiko alone here, I need to talk to her alone"(his voice kinda hot here, ek what the hell am i think!!) Anyway.
Mazino leave us alone
"Here" he give me money (I forgot to mention he a rich guy) "why do you give me money?" I ask. "To pay". "Pay what? My heart? Are you joking right now or you just stupid" (he give me money to pay what he hurt me? Wtf. He can just say sorry, HE GIVE ME MONEY?!. That hurt even more.
I just go home and i said that I want to move to grandmother. She agreed.

It's been 4 years Huh...
10 05,2021
After he said "this is my girlfriend". I went silent. (I was in love with him for 2 years). "Oh congrats" I said and go to the class I didn't look back because I don't want to hurt my eyes(ha..ha) well his sit is beside me ( I'm going to cry again). I ask the front sit to change sit (the person at the front sit so nice) she ok with it(she know that I like aiko, idk how). Lunch time, aiko ask me to lunch with him but I refuse. I lunch with the girl that I change sit with, I'm going to name her Akiko (yes 'ko', I put 'ko' in there name because aiko real name have no in it. Haha... Anyway) I'm not a person that fast moved on (not until I find a new one, yes you know who the new one. Akikoo). I can see he staring at me (how did he not notice that I like him, he and Adrien are the same. Blindddd) time skip. When we going home. Hohoho he waiting me at the gate. Omggggg. He even ignored his girlfriend lolll. That time I just act like I don't see him there. He call my name but i ignored it.
I didn't go home that time I'm going to the place that I always play. He know that place but he didn't come.(I he 2 male friend one is aiko and the second one I'm going to name him Mazino, aiko don't know him. And Mazino have no interested on women.)
That place is where I go when my parents having a fight or I just sad. (Mazino house just beside that place. So he can see I'm there from his room.)I cry so much that day, I even don't want to see aiko face. Every time i'm going there Mazino go out the house, he hear everything I tell him and when I cry, he started to cry too.(I miss him so much) yeah. Hug me and I started to cry even more. When we are huging I feel like someone pull me away from Mazino and guess who?!!!!!! It's aiko!! Ha..ha..ha..hah..
"Wtf is wrong with you, first you change sit and then you ignored me? What did I do wrong?" He said that(omg, it's been 4 years I still remember what I told him that day) "I IN LOVE WITH YOU OK?!". (Omg that part I'm crying again) "you love me?" He said.( How can he be so stupid and this last part the part that I waiting for) "you are in love with me? Why didn't you tell me?"

"It's because you don't love me back"

Yeah ii end. The rest are personal ;D
10 05,2021
I have a friend I'm going to name him Aiko. So me and aiko been friend for 2 years(but it's feel like 5 days). Well, I can tell that he is nice. We goin to school together, have lunch together and even going home together. One day(lol why am I so dramatic) I can't go to school because of sick, yeah I'm staying home. I ask my mom if aiko come to my house of not. My mom said he did, he ask my mom why I didn't go to school ofc my mom said "Yoshiko sick" (not my real name) and he go to school alone. (I don't really remember how many days I got sick, I just gonna say 2 days) i was about to go school I see aiko waiting for me(we Always go to school riding a bike, it's was so funnn). He park the bike and go inside the school. When we about to go to the class I hear someone said "BABEEE" I look and I see she coming to our direction. The first think that make my heart hurt so much, she hug aiko and aiko hug her back. Aiko look at me and said "this is my girlfriend". I'm sorry I can't.
10 05,2021
DuckityDuck 10 05,2021
Ever say "i wanna die" at a random time of the day for no reason at all?
And then just continue on with your day as if you didn't just say that you wanted to die?
Cause i do that
10 05,2021