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Bro how tf do you change your pfp :/ I’ve been rocking with the glitchcore jungkook pfp for 2 years (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
04 07,2021
I don’t know if it’s just me but they be freaky af. Have you seen the gacha videos they watch?? I’ve seen titles like “I gave birth to my step-bros child” and “my dirty alpha.” I cannot count the amount of barbies naked because they take off their clothes. They also have pregnancy games for fun. Teenagers might be horny, but these mf will forever be the most horny out of all of us.
18 05,2021
Ever tried apologizing even when it's not your fault?

It's one of the worst feeling that mostly introverts feel when someone blames them for something that they didn't even do.

Oh, but I'm not saying that only Introverts get to suffer situations like these.

The world is now full of toxicity, sadness and hatred where we have no choice to retaliate but instead accept the fault and apologize to something that we didn't even do.
18 05,2021
Ok lets get one thing straight NOT EVEYONE HAS MONEY TO SPEND TO READ MANGAS ON THE OFFICIAL SITE and if we did we would go and spend our money ( well some of us). Like I'm sorry Beth but I am poor I can't just go spend money like theirs no tomorrow. If you want to send me money so I can use the official sites I will gladly send you my cash app if not then SHUT THE FUCK UP respectfully. On top of all that I've heard people say that their country doesn't even do where you can pay for coins or whatever. So stop being a little tone death bitch and actually listen to why people don't pay then pull assumptions out of your ass. One little thing I want you to know is that a lot of these big official sites y'all use either don't pay their authors right or don't pay them at all. It's way much better to buy the hard copies that translated in your language cause your money actually going to the author and not going to the big companies that take the money. So to conclude stop being a stupid ass bigot and assuming that we all just siting on ass lodes of money and we're just deciding not to use the official site. Thank you for coming to my ted talk ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
04 04,2021
Wow such a nice way of saying "welcome back to the site guys"
Im gonna sneak out my room to get chicken nuggets
04 04,2021
oooh i see the fans are back on mangago. man yall this site just got back up none of us want this drama anyways.
like take it to the dms or something because tbh not one person on here gives a fuck about yalls petty ass drama. you know who i'm talking abt so please leave thank you !
04 04,2021
My family and I just had this debate and the opinion was split so I want to know the opinions of other people. I personally believe that even if the majority believe someone is beautiful not EVERYONE can have the same opinion.
04 04,2021
Buut since the site wasnt here i was able to watched some of sk8 infinity and the rest of wonder egg priority
And like 4 episodes of magical girl site

What did you watch while the site was down
I also found these yuri gifs ill post them later
04 04,2021
i almost had a stroke i even created a haikyuu rp account on twitter so i wouldn't be bored. spring break was hell
04 04,2021
Yes the site is back but, can people just stop spelling out the site name, , today I just get argue with people on twt about spell out the site name on public.. I gave them polite advice, but they returned me with curses ┗( T﹏T )┛

Why people keep saying the site name on public?on twt is many author and they hate illegal site, why you all Don't scared if sometimes they report this site because of copyright? Please if u guys want to spell out the site or talking about this site just censored or using Fashionlib instead Mangago! .. Or if your friend asking where you read just talk privatly on DM, message, or chat not at public where the author and legal user seeing. Please let's protect our beloved site!(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
04 04,2021
Hey y'all!! I just wanna ask how's your day? And what have been your struggles and what have you been struggling about. Parents, family, friends, you can vent it out here, i wanna hear your stories. This is a free therapy session :))
04 04,2021
Can we stop using “trauma” as a plot point in manga when you’re gonna make the MC forget about it in a matter of seconds?

Can we ESPECIALLY not make the MC get back together with their abusers?

I mean if the MC forgives them and all then yeah I get that because forgiveness can be a way for people to heal but now the MC loves them again?


And the only thing worse than using trauma as a half-assed plot point is using trauma to justify the actions of an unjustifiable shitty character.

“What you’re a mass murderer who killed thousands of innocent people but you only did this your dog died and your mom was abusive? Aww I feel so bad for you sad boy

Fucking cringe
12 03,2021
OHAYOOO I want to share my fanfiction I made during the election ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ UwU I hope you enjoy it

As the candidates exited the stage, Joe felt genuinely hurt; something he felt that his boyfriend had never caused him to feel before.

"Good job out there.", The orange man chuckled.

"Yeah..", Joe refused to look Trump in his eyes.

Trump was surprised by this reaction, as Biden never would never take a debate to heart... would he...?

"What happened, my Democratic prince?", Donny picked up Biden's chin and stared into his eyes, causing Joe's legs to become shaky.

The smaller man's eyes welled up, "The-The things you said out there. About my son-"

"Joe, you know I don't mean anything I say out there, it's all just a cover. I never meant any of it."

"You went too far this time...", The Democrat finally broke, "You were only supposed to debate against me, not interrupt me like that."

"It's part of the act, Joey!", Trump said warmly, forcing Biden's glare into his own, taking notice of his now red eyes, "You know we have to, our wives and everyone else can never know! We have to be sure that no one suspects anything."

The orange smiled and Joe blushed, though he was still a sobbing mess.

"I'm very sorry, my Democratic prince, I really am. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

"D-Desu...", Biden turned his glance away once more, Trump wiped his tears. Joe calmed down gradually.

"Have some water, a genius like you needs hydration. Please, stay hydrated, Joey.", Trump picked up a bottle of water and handed it to him.

"T-Thanks, Donny...", Joe accepted the bottle of Dasani brand water from his lover.

As Joe was settling down, he had to force his posture back into place when Jill walked in.

"Joe, you coming?", She asked.

"In a minute, my dear. I still have some questions to answer.", Joe replied, perking his head up.

"Alright, Joe...", She left, kissing him before.

"It's so hard to pretend that I like women...", Biden stated.

"I know, Joey... But remember, it's important. It's the only way we can be together.", Trump placed his hand onto Biden's thigh.

Joe grinned, "I know, and it's worth it, to be with you..."

"God, Joe. You make me so hard...", Donald leaned in closer to his lovers face.

"Ah, Donny~!", Biden gasped as he found that the orange man was teasing his member over his pants.

Trump pressed his lips against Joe's, slowly getting more passionate with every passing second. Biden couldn't help but to let out little gasps or moans, which just turned on Donald more.

"I'm going to rip these fucking pants off you, and you're gonna enjoy every second of what I'm about to do.", Trump said with a smirk.

Biden loved when he was demanding, he loved feeling like his little helpless slave.

"B-But Donny... We're still backstage here..."

"Doesn't matter, no one will be coming in here for a while.", Donald reassured him.

When they first began their relationship, they were extremely careful about where they 'played about'. However, as their relationship progressed, they just kept getting more daring. Biden believes that the fact that they could possibly get caught really gets him turned on.


Trump reached for the smaller man's belt, fumbling with it rapidly, then undoing the rest of his pants. He slid his member from out of his boxers. To Trump's surprise, he was already rock hard.

"Shit, it's so big. Never fails to surprise me.", Donald said, wasting no time to begin licking the tip.

Joe gasped loudly, then covering his mouth to prevent any more noises from letting themselves out. If there was one thing Trump was good at, it was sucking dick.

"A-Ahhh... Donald~!", Joe covered his eyes with his hands, separating part of his fingers to gaze upon Trump's glory.

The pleasure became intense, Biden was practically begging Trump to go faster. He bucked his hips in an attempt to gain more stimulation, but this made Donald stop.

"Don't be greedy now, my prince. You can only have a little at a time."

"P-Please! I don't know if I can handle being teased this way any longer..."

Trump smiled devilishly whilst staring into Biden's pleading eyes, using only one finger to stroke up and down, very slowly, "Do I have to tie you up, or can you behave yourself?"

"I-I'll be good, Trump-"

"Excuse me?"

"M-Mr. Trump, my master"

"Fuck yeah, you better be good.", Trump grabbed the sides of Biden's hips, "Thanks for understanding. Now I can reward you."

Trump took all of Joe's dick, making Biden audibly moan, which he hoped wasn't too loud.

Donald sped up, and Joe was tearing up from all the pleasure. He had never felt something so intense. Could he have discovered a new kink? Did he enjoy Trump talking bad about him?

"Master, please insult my son again."

"Your son is a no good drug addict and he never did anything in life", Trump spouted as an ocean of Biden's democratic precum poured out of his mouth.

Donald went back onto Biden's dick. This was it for Joe. He teared up and jolted as he felt the most overwhelming amount of pleasure he'd ever felt, he didn't hold back on moaning. He was too focused on the pure euphoria, as he felt his cock throb intensely.

"T-Thank you...", Joe's tongue lolled out of his mouth, as steam from his hot breath left his saliva-drenched mouth.
12 03,2021
Iveggieandchees 12 03,2021
I’m lesbian I still don’t have girlfriend. Where all the lesbians in my town.
Only lesbian that I have seen is my cousin best friend.
I’m so fucking lonely.
12 03,2021
Its hurt my heart knowing i cant brows u in chrome and any other browser site... but thank god that one browser let me see u again.. mangago dont leave me dying knowing ur gone in mylife... love u..

And I hate u globe network and all other browser site!

Hahahah im backkkkkkkk! Gonna go read free again..
12 03,2021
Soo... Here's the thing.

I'm a girl. The thought that I want to kiss a girl comes to me sporadically as a ever since i became a teen. I never thought about kissing guys though.

Now im 18 and I like the thought of marrying a girl in the future and I dont mind having sex with a girl. The thought of marrying a guy feels weird and mind you real life PP (I saw them in the illegal looking websites where we read raws) look scary and ugly.

But here's the thing I dont think I ever had a crush on anybody. Well there was this one boy i wanted to hold hands with when I was a child that's it. I dont think i've been sexually or romantically attracted to anybody... I don't even know what sexual attraction feels like. The definition of sexual attraction itself is confusing.

I keep telling myself that im Bi because I have never dated anybody and will never know untill I do. Heck i haven't even kissed anyone yet. Is it right to do that?
11 03,2021
Yeah I know it sucks that it’s not an actual comic series but you realize promos help the author’s story gain more publicity which helps the novel get turned into an actual comic. It’s not that uncommon either. I mean do you even know how many stories turned into full time comics after having promos?
19 10,2020
happy holiday y'all (▰˘◡˘▰) yes i'm chaotic yes i don't care
11 10,2020
11 10,2020
Ok so I was at a cafe with two of my friends and I was telling them about the arguments that y’all have on this site about fujoshis and how funny it is to read them and my friends being the normies they are asked me what a fujoshi is so I explained to them the history behind it and how it once used as a term to put women down saying they’ll never be married but then they reclaimed that word but now it means someone who fetishizes men. My straight white female friend said that the people putting down the fujoshis are wrong because the term itself was used to oppress women in the first place but now that they’re taking it back people are bashing them again. My gay white male friend said that the people calling themselves fujoshis are wrong because no matter what the term meant in the past it now stands for something that harms the LGBTQ+ community. My swf friend said that the fact that they are trying to change the word back into a word that oppresses women and stop women from using it would be like trying to change the n word back into a word that oppresses black people and stop them from using it. My gwm friend said that this wasn’t true and that she couldn’t really speak on it because she hasn’t been oppressed as a gay male. She said that he couldn’t speak on it because he hasn’t been oppressed as a woman and that he can hide the fact that he’s gay but she can’t die the fact that she’s a woman.

They kept arguing about this for a while and it soon escalated and turned into a conversation about which group was the most oppressed. My swf friend argued that black people are the most oppressed because even today they are still getting persecuted by the police while my gwm friend said that LGBTQ+ members are being persecuted more because there are still countries where people get killed if they are gay. She said that it’s not true because people can hide their sexuality but they can’t hide the color of their skin but he said that it’s not that easy to hide their sexuality.

They couldn’t come to an agreement or agree to disagree so we all decided to go home and they both left feeling pretty pissed and I’m pretty sure they’re not talking to each other rn. I feel like each side expected me to agree with them since I am female, black, and bi but I just didn’t say anything and watched them argue. Honestly, I know I should care because I check all boxes of this argument but I really don’t. I’m already dealing with enough problems. I don’t have the time to sit down and ponder about which part of me society hates most. Plus overall both of their arguments seemed pretty wack. I’m really considering just telling them to fucking get over themselves and that the argument was stupid in the first place but at the same time I feel responsible because I was the one who mentioned the fujoshi thing in the first place. Idk dude. What should I do?
11 10,2020