18 05,2021
18 05,2021
uh huh 18 05,2021
I will admit that I'm a horny 14 year old but nEver wiLL/hAve i evER liked gacha life... that shit was always so cringy iv been on youtube my whole life and that shit was always whackkk as hell also the fucking self insert and Y/N shit is a big nahhhhh side not Grammarly tells me this is inspirational so I'm glad I could inspire   reply
18 05,2021
18 05,2021
Isn't it normal for them to be curious, though? They don't fully understand it yet, so they end up with crazy shit but I think it's better if they vent their expiremental phase on the internet through gacha videos than if they were to experiment in real life when they're teenagers. Plus, when sex is a new thing, most people get curious and want to......   reply
18 05,2021
IHateReality 18 05,2021
They are just some 13 or 14 years old kids who read smut also Tf is this?   3 reply
18 05,2021
juhi simp 18 05,2021
unresticted internet and its effects on humanity.   reply
18 05,2021
Arysa 18 05,2021
Thats why my mum went for yt kids for my little bro. (⌒▽⌒) Cause kids nowadays are horny af. I remember my brother telling me that someone in his pre school asked him to have sex.   reply
18 05,2021
It's called parents giving their children devices that allows them to search the internet with not filter whatsoever. We all now that for example, bronys exist, and they will make porn. It's the child's fault that when searching for my little pony stuff they end up with porn??? If a kid is introduced to something they are not prepared for don't be......   1 reply
18 05,2021
What the hell. I saw some video about strippers on my little sister's tablet as well as an 18+ yaoi smut step-brother thing?? And she's fucking seven. Do all children have a step-brother fetish or something?   1 reply
18 05,2021
18 05,2021
I’ve read hundreds of smut (literally) but when it comes to these I still get disturbed damn   reply
18 05,2021
18 05,2021
yo wtf get the slipper the only normal thing there was Barbie and coco melon I'm done with the new generation   reply
18 05,2021

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