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Horny 11 10,2023
There's a friend of a friend who's looking for friends w/ benefits kinda thing, (not specifically w/ me, but in general). I'm considering taking up the offer cause I'm horny, and it'd be rlly rlly nice to have sex. I'm just so worried and anxious of if he'll think that I'm not pretty or if he's not a virgin, (but I am) and I'll do something stupid. Ik that first times aren't all too great and thats fine and whatever, but like- idk, how do yall deal w/ this anxiety abt sex
11 10,2023
I’m watching Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind for the first time and the couple in it is exactly like me and my ex.
24 09,2023
24 09,2023
Is it normal that you get turn on sometimes by fantasizing yourself?
24 09,2023
Is it normal to want a possessive yandre type bf..who won't let me go ?
24 09,2023
Horny 23 09,2023
Dude, I'm so horny, I'm so fucking horny. I want someone to just stuff me full with their hot thick cum while someone else fucks my throat and makes me gag on it. I want to be fucked doggy style in a park until I piss with nothing but a collar on. I want to be fucked in front of a group of people who'll fuck me after, all at the same time. I want to be fucked so bad but I can't even orgasm. I can barely cum, and each time that I almost get there, I have to stop cause it gets too much. That shit hurts man, and I end up just getting frustrated that I can't cum. Not a good thing that I'm into BDSM cause it's hard for me to get into the mood. How the hell do you cum? I've tried using a vibrator, turned it off cause it got too much. I've tried using a dildo, didn't work, was too small. I've tried using my fingers, didn't work my arms kept cramping and kept pulling my leg muscles. Please I just want to be able to cum
23 09,2023
wait because I was thinking instead of sum1 having to. ..... loosen up why don't they just take a really big shit?? would it work????
06 09,2023
Idk but as far as I’ve seen, a vast majority of tanned men have pussies. Haven’t seen any pussy on lighter skinned men. Not to mention this tanned dragon bottom porn had a pussy and after it got fucked, a dick(the dragon’s) grew from the pussy! I’m def not an anti-men having pussy but I’m anti-pussy. Pussies are ten time grosser than beautiful juicy dicks(personal opinion). Don’t get me wrong, I love women but without pussies. That’s why Margot Robbie’s my bomb and ofc other gorgeous Barbies. I’d rather eat shitty ass than bloody pussy(I’m a top). Wbu?
05 09,2023

Last one im out
18 08,2023
Sorry but Technology is not advancing fast enough. I want a day where I say "Siri fuck me hard" and I want Siri to turn into a buff man with an enormous thing and fuck me. And I would also like customizable options, for example "Siri turn into Jaekyoung from JINX " "Siri turn into my uncle", so I can do it with whoever I want. When will Elon Musk think about the virgin population who can't get laid?
18 08,2023
01 07,2021
01 07,2021
23 06,2021
Heyy please help me, I need to know where the pic in the com is from !

It's for.. a friend
23 06,2021
23 06,2021
15th photo is your stalker
23 06,2021
I almost did had a one night stand but when we're about to do it, I suddenly just... backed out.

My partner said it was okay, he was pretty good to me and didn't force me.

Made me realised I'm the type who can only do "it" with the one I love...

How about you guys? (I'm not saying one night stands are bad! I'm just curious about everyone's opinion about one night stands :-))
05 06,2021
Theres a lottt of great albums out there but heres mine
Partly cuz its SFW and who doesnt like a bunch of hot dudes
And i cant choose for a list so....
28 05,2021
Personally I don't get all the hype it's boring playing a lot of games like it out there complete trash definitely don't recommend OK now that I tricked you on pushing this question what I just said was complete bullshit the games 10 out of 10 not a game out there like it like best game ever the characters are so awesome the avengers the plot everything is 10 out of 10!!(๑•ㅂ•)و✧
28 05,2021
My dad had a nightmare last night where it felt like he was getting his soul sucked out of him. Then his dead aunt warned him about the 1st day of the next month, and June 1st is pretty fuckin close. Now me and my mom are worried about what'll happen. Any of y'all know what this means?
28 05,2021
Did y’all see the puppy omg I’m softttt
28 05,2021