29 06,2024
vdjs hi starting this off saying this experience is with my current (basically only ever) bf and it got better the first time we slept together i never finished which wasnt his fault i didnt know my body enough + he was trying really hard so hes not bad. but i remember after maybe the 3rd time we did it i still hadnt finished and i remember cryi......   1 reply
29 06,2024
I remember I used to rub one in the crib, i was really small around 3-4. Those are my most vivid moments and i remember i used the rib - pretty awkward lol. It was quite the ordeal but it was pretty nice and i used to stop as soon as i heard my parents enter. Knew that instinctually i shouldn't let them see lol They do remember i always had my legs......   reply
14 06,2024
i've never really felt anything when i inserted my finger but i just use high pressure water for my clit so that does the trick   reply
14 06,2024
Nah people will never catch me doing that, it's gross in my opinion. But I do get horny, just a tiny bit whenever I'm on my periodヽ(`Д´)ノ, it's really uncomfortable lmao.   reply
14 06,2024
Masturbation is normal. Most women do it and the ones that don't either aren't interested in sexual activity (e.g. asexuals) or don't realise that's an option for women (aka repressed). You don't need penetration to masturbate as a woman. Look up the clitoris and tips provided by other women. Watch porn if you want. There's a misconception that onl......   reply
14 06,2024
I’m sorry but hell nah you’d NEVER catch me even fucking TRYING that sort of thing because like ts looks and sounds disgusting to me idc Not judging anyone who does that like that’s your body not mine so explore it ig but that’s just me   3 reply
14 06,2024
FWB [Answer]
vasya 11 10,2023
Hookup culture does genuinely work for some ppl I won’t lie abt that, but given that ur primary concerns are 1. that he’ll think you’re not pretty and 2. ur embarrassed about being a virgin and doing something wrong or embarrassing, u are definitely not ready for this imo (& this should be obvious but I’m writing this assuming ur an adult.......   reply
11 10,2023
FWB [Answer]
11 10,2023
I know many girls who started like this and ended up getting fcked over. Somehow their whole personality changed and they stopped valuing themselves. Won't even start about how many ended up with stds and pregnant lmao. Keep in mind the men who look for fwb don't care, they only see the women as holes to relieve their sexual urges. They couldn't ca......   reply
11 10,2023
FWB [Answer]
11 10,2023
Do not lose your virginity to someone looking for FWB. There is nothing wrong with hooking up with people but first times can be meaningful and will leave an imprint on you (particularly for females). Getting naked with someone, penetration and doing intimate things with another (especially doing it for the first time) can definitely make you catch......   1 reply
11 10,2023
FWB [Answer]
hachi 11 10,2023
DONT DO HOOKUPS THEY LITERALLY SUCK it would be better to do it with someone who actually loves you and cares for you like hookups are just not it.   reply
11 10,2023

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