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So out of nowhere my step mom gets off the phone and says you cost us $60 what your manga I was like what she said they told us you charged something to the credit card that was $60 and it was XXX manga I was like the fuck I did not do that cause I'm not that stupid yeah we call them turns out she was lying and even though she was caught she acted like nothing happened like bitch what????#-.-)
22 06,2021
I'm just wondering if a ' normal ' person who can't draw, can write a script/ story and give it to a studio so they can draw it and turn it into a Manga. Is it possible? And is it supposed to be in Japanese, Korean and Chinese? Or I can just write it in English.
22 06,2021
21 05,2021
so im gonna ask for a chest binder but like what is a good pair
or what is the best for the first time
21 05,2021
lmao its late asf here and I haven't been sleeping well so this question might not make sense either lol

so like-

at times I still like wearing cute clothes/dolling myself up and get a major confidence boost so I actually like my body for once and have enough confidence to even step outside

but there are also times where I absolutely hate doing all of that shi
I wish my chest/me would just fucking disappear and I hate that I have a roundish/girlish face
I start hating every single thing about my body and I feel very uncomfortable in my own skin. I try to look as "boyish" as I possibly can so that I won't puke when I look in the mirror. But when I do that my family starts making fun of me and shiz so the practically make me feel like shit until I feel comfortable enough to wear the clothes that they think "girls should wear"

so bleh

idk bro I haven't slept for a day or 2 so sorry this doesn't make sense or if it just sounds stupid :/
21 05,2021
so uh this is kinda a rant ig? since I dumped my bestie so now I have no-one to talk to abt this

So how tf does this make any sense
a few days ago I almost puked bc of how ugly I looked in anything even a bit feminine and now I wish I had huge. mommy milkers
wh a.t

ugh I cringed so much before when I saw myself in a bra and now I want big honker donkers????

and why was I so pleased when the lady used male pronouns with me???
no no no I don't wanna be a man men are icky (lol no offense)
I'm so confused rn what ughhhgjfdkslawq

ty for reading if you did lol bye ig
21 05,2021
Where did that idea of yours, “yes I’ll post about a cult about liking cum on food my food thats a good idea” come from? Like you’ll finish a drama with another user, be quiet for a few weeks or so then start to post questionable sht on here like why
04 03,2021