14 06,2021
Don’t sweat it too much really. If anyone asks, just say you are queer. You will have enough time to discover your likes and dislikes as the time goes and maybe then you will feel comfortable enough to pick a specific label...or maybe you won’t because there is no label that makes you feel 100% your authentic self and that is totally fine. Just......   reply
14 06,2021
Just say your queer perfect answer for people who don’t have an answer but know they aren’t straight Also if your concerned about knowing if you like guys without ever dating them that’s okay but you don’t have to date someone of a certain gender to know you like that gender, but keep questioning things because figuring out sexuality is har......   reply
14 06,2021
I too have not ever fallen in love with a guy. However, I just consider..... 'would I bang [insert a hot fictional man here]' and the answer is yes definitely, so I'm pretty sure I like men haha, even tho I haven't fallen irl. But it's totally okay to not use labels!   1 reply
14 06,2021
jerr !!
14 06,2021
dont like labels either, i'll just love who i love   reply
14 06,2021
that's really are complicated but i'm confuse of my sexuality too.. i'm muslim and i love all gender and like read bl ( ̄へ ̄)   1 reply
14 06,2021
of course I am who wouldn't be(╥﹏╥)(╥﹏╥)   4 reply
14 06,2021
ITS LIKE so hard to explain, I DONT REALLY LIKE USING A LABEL FOR MY SEXUALITY I JUST SAY I LIKE ALL GENDERS BUT im just a little confused.. i know for a fact i like other genderfluid people, i know for a fact i like girls, i know for a fact i like nonbinary people ETC. CAUSE IVE FALLEN IN LOVE LIKE THAT BEFORE (i barely fall in love but... it's happened) and like the last time i've liked a boy was when i was like.. 4? BUT I CAN IMAGINE MYSELF WITH A GUY AND I REALLY LIKE THAT IDEA?? i have no idea ahhhh i cant tell if im just forcing myself to think i like guys or if i geniunely like them?! i think i do but.. ITS HARD OKAY.. i dont dislike the idea of being with one, i like it but i havent fallen in love with one for a while, only fictional ones AND OBVIOUSLY THAT DOESNT COUNT ughhh my standards might just be too high or i just haven't met the right one... i dont know anymore..
14 06,2021
straight2heaven 14 06,2021
ehhh?? does whether theyre fat or not? if you like them you like them, no? it's like my view on whether i like someone or not! i dont care what gender they are, nor do i care about their body type! if i love you then i love you no matter what.. THIS FEELS WEIRD TO REREAD WTFAKUHJK   reply
14 06,2021
Confused [Answer]
straight2heaven 14 06,2021
I SORTA GET THAT?? I USED TO THINK LIKE THAT maybe youre bisexual / pansexual? do you think gender is an issue when it comes to who YOU love?   reply
14 06,2021
Confused [Answer]
14 06,2020
I started felling the same way too. I’ve always been attracted to boys but now I’m seeing one girl the same way and I don’t really know how to go from there. ┗( T﹏T )┛   reply
14 06,2020

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