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I know this is for cutting hair/dying it but I have no idea where else I can ask for help. I have very long hair. It goes past my thighs and is a bit wavy. It's so long the curls just stretched out over time. Brushing it is quite a task and I have to wash my hair very often because it gets stuck in things, my scalp also gets very oily often which causes dandruff. I don't really want to cut it since it's the only thing that makes my appearance stand out, and I'm very proud of how long it's grown. I don't really know what exactly to do about it though. I'm not really skilled when it comes to haircare or hair styling. I'm currently using an Asian shampoo which has worked better than past brands. Any tips on how to style it/take care of it would be very helpful. I haven't had much luck when it comes to googling tips and tricks. I don't mind if there's any recommended ways for me to cut it even, I just don't really wanna cut a lot of it off.
21 03,2024
23 09,2023
What color should I dye my pubic hair
23 09,2023
DuckityDuck 30 11,2020
Don't you just hate those bitches that torture the male MC and label them as 'perverts' all because the MC accidentally saw their friend in the harem naked? Or when it was the friend that made the move and they walk in and assume that it was MC that made the move? Or when they get jealous so they torture MC? It's absolutely fucking annoying like bitch calm down for a sec and at least let the man explain, cause at this point I'm starting to feel super bad for this mans
30 11,2020
So um there's this video from 2 years ago about a yaoi cafe
If you haven't seen it go watch it and if you have seen it
What do you think? And
Would you like to go there?
30 11,2020
I know the question about “asking if your brother is gay” (this question: ) was well meaning but NEVER DO THIS TO A CLOSETED QUEER PERSON

All that will do is give the queer person a panic attack.

They will tell you in their own time. It’s their secret to share and coming out is f/cking terrifying.

I’ve had people ask me if I’m gay/trans and omg it kills me every time. (I’m pan and trans)
26 11,2020