I had a crush on a same sex classmate back in high school. I confessed anyway and turned out it was mutual. We dated. It was good while it lasted.   reply
05 09,2020
Maybe(?) [Experience]
Kikuji 28 08,2020
I don’t know if people would consider this one. Basically there was there popular dude that was a huge weeb. Some background information, he was the co-captain of the prop team for the drama class I was in. So I knew him a bit since there were only three people that actually did something in the prop team — him, my friend, and me. Ok so, My dra......   reply
28 08,2020
Shoujo moment [Experience]
Misa Misa
21 07,2018
Well this happened recently, it's not a big deal though.. This moment was with my crush, and my crush knew that I liked him but he was chill about it. We used to talked on the phone, messaging was daily and we even became close once. One day it was raining and our class was doing self study. The emergency exit door was open-located at the back o......   2 reply
21 07,2018
there was a guy, a year younger than me, who never once talked to me for almost two years. but bfore graduate, suddenly there were times when we crossed each other's path. 1- coincidentally, he was standing beside me. but when he realized i was beside him, he immediately asked his friend to swap place with him. "oh, he hates me" n "maybe he hates g......   1 reply
18 07,2018
*Wink* 18 07,2018
First year of high school (15 yo), a guy friend from an other school invited me to go out an afternoon on our free time. That jerk didn't tell me that he would come with 8 other guy friends from his year. So I had my own harem the time of an afternoon. And I had a strong connection with one of the friends. At a moment, we were sitting on a bench, a......   reply
18 07,2018
I was rushing to a door- this door is no ordinary door though, it can only be opened by a button. I forgot to push the button and ended up slamming my face to the door. Behind me was my crush and he snickered and pushed the button as well as held the door for me. I loved a gentleman :’).   reply
18 07,2018
When I began attending university, I had a very close friend who was my first clingy friend. We'd hug whenever we met, and we'd fangirl together about anime stuff. One moment I'll never forget are when she hugged me from behind, then another friend of ours said we're too sweet then I even obliged by hugging her hand even tighter. Then there was ......   1 reply
17 07,2018
Queenay 17 07,2018
Mine was like you know that childhood memories in shoujo manga in first grade I was sleeping on my desk and I woke up to see my friend laying his head in my desk staring at me while waiting for me to wake up. My innocent heart then skipped a beat lol. Sadly he was a really good and kind friend but at that time kids didn’t have mobiles nor emails......   1 reply
17 07,2018
my shoujo like moment [Experience]
AAA 14 06,2017
My first kiss was like something out of a manga. I was at a drinking party with friends, as well as a guy I liked at the time. At some point, I remember walking out the gate, and he grabbed my arm and pulled me back into him, all the while slightly touching my face with his free hand, as he leaned in to kiss me.   reply
14 06,2017
The one/s where you only need some blooming flowers in the bg to make it perfect (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
10 02,2017

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