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beta i dont wanna be a horned up asshole who acts like angry horny rhino or emit phermones that makes every "alpha" wanna fuck me on the spot.   reply
07 07,2024
1) Too many people think dark/psychological/tragic storyline = good story. A story can be deep and meaningful without being soul crushingly sad. People who think like that remind me of that trope of the man suddenly discovering empathy after he doing acid for the first time. Or how teens want to smoke to be cool. 2) If I see another video essay on......   2 reply
07 07,2024
Born to be an absolute CHAD Beta. Forced to be an omega....   reply
07 07,2024
i would probably be beta but i would wish to be alpha bc they r all somehow rich and famous   reply
06 07,2024
Definitely a beta Just dealing with my period is a hell of nightmare And you want me to deal with the heats and shit hell nah I respectfully pass that   reply
06 07,2024
Alpha cuz I got this fatass DICK   reply
06 07,2024
Invisible chain...AKA Stockholm Syndrome at its's a gintama doujinshi and I wish I never read it   reply
06 07,2024
06 07,2024
Nah…   reply
06 07,2024
I heard that alpha females hv a magic stick too , so i aspire to be one , MAKE ME ONE   reply
06 07,2024
(why am I thinking about this) (why do I have an answer) 1. I genuinely believe the chances of being what goes like this: Beta (80%) Omega/Alpha (10%) 2. Beta please. (● ̄(エ) ̄●)   reply
06 07,2024

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