Read 1000 Manga Or More

Nanikai 31 05,2017
For more than 20 years i dont do anything other than reading. Partys? Drinking, Hanging out with friends? Not interested. Lol, i think the next 20 years i also will do nothing other than reading. And i discovered yaoi one year ago, but in this year i red more than 1000 ( most of them couple times) Im satisfied with my life.   reply
31 05,2017
sakura 31 05,2017
I have read like 1800 above n they r all yaoi(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ   reply
31 05,2017
I did, and i have a feeling that most people on this site reading yaoi, it only my assumption tho lol ლ(´ڡ`ლ)   1 reply
31 05,2017
em76 31 05,2017
Read: 869 reading: 663 and to be completely honest most of it is yaoi haha   reply
31 05,2017
SO I would be able to track down all those mangas I've read. I find it frustrating to find all of them and even if I find them, 9/10 I'll read the manga because I have long forgotten the plot (T⌣T; )   reply
24 04,2017
I dunno i just read em in my spare time. Ive read around 2300 of them so far countin the other scanulatin sites an the ones on my shelves   reply
13 04,2017
[DELETED] 13 04,2017
I've read almost 2,500 manga. It seems like a little, but over time, things pile up.   reply
13 04,2017
I did to but it's all yaoi lol   reply
17 02,2017
17 01,2017
I did but most of them is Yaoi!
17 01,2017

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