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Ironic [Experience]
Spiderman 3 days
Lmao it's so funny seeing people on this site say the rudest shit, just throwing around slurs of whatever in other people's topics/comments/replies but then when you go to their profile (I was gonna just block them and go about my day) they're making posts/replying to post talking (seems to be genuine) about how sad, lonely or depressing their life......   7 reply
3 days
Hey [Answer]
3 days
This site is full of dumb people, don't think too much into it, you'll cause yourself a migraine. Block, mute, and go. Saved me good time not having to look at dumb takes (●'◡'●)ノ   1 reply
3 days
Hey [Answer]
3 days
Some ppl here can be so rude at someone just for a little thing. It surprises the heck out of me . Just some days ago... Someone was asking recs for Yaoi manhwa with no rape and a commenter just replied with " avoid Yaoi , read Shounen ai cuz it got almost no smut so low chance of rape ".. that was just a genuine suggestion. But next moment a......   2 reply
3 days
Hey [Answer]
3 days
like there is a dislike button for a reason I can't lie I insult people when they insult me; also what I hate is people calling me stupid or having low IQ because "I didn't get their point" even though I totally understood what they are saying and what their points are, it's just I disagree with them just accept not everyone will agree with you, or......   1 reply
3 days
Hey [Answer]
3 days
Honestly I feel sorry for these ppl eventhough they bother me but.. if u get irritated that much just cuz I wrote an opinion that differs from urs then u must have a lot to suffer from through this life man ( ̄∇ ̄")   reply
3 days
Hey [Answer]
jojo 3 days
I once asked whats the meaning of mlm and someone cussed at me caused i was defended abuse they also got mad cause i used commaa and periods !? 'suprise pikachu face'.   3 reply
3 days
Hey [Answer]
Innocent 3 days
WHAHAHAH i always tell fact always there to say every fact shit I M FACT ITSELF   reply
3 days
People like these have always existed but the internet allows people to live in an echochamber where they forget people with other opinions exist. Paired with capitalism breeding a highly individualist mindset people simply don't know how to argue respectfully anymore and think their opinion always matters. Fr sometimes I think freedom of speech w......   1 reply
3 days
Here are some screenshots from the comments of photos of an Elementary school student. Based on the Japanese woman that provided the source, it is a common occurrence for adult men to make sexual comments (not only on the internet) towards children, with the Japanese Police doing nothing about it. These same men are the same that glorify 'fanservic......   11 reply
3 days
Hey [Answer]
3 days
Yeah, its happened to me a lot of times, at this stage you just get used to it and stay calm, bc if you do it just makes them look ridiculous for getting so worked up   1 reply
3 days

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