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I just stared at the dishes in the sink and was thinking "i feel guilty for my mom having to work for so long and having barely any time to rest... I should wash the dishes just to lessen the workload even if its just a little bit"
I also cleaned the bathroom in the process :D
All i've been feeling is constant insecurity and guilt these days... It doesn't bother me but its tough because anxiety gets to me sometimes because of this
But hey i'm trying and that's all that matters
And that's the same for you too, if it gets tough just remember that you're trying and that's what matters! You're doing your best and people should acknowledge that instead of focusing on your flaws
But remember that it gets tough for everyone so try your best to be considerate and care for other people but most importantly, take care of yourself <3
Anyway buh-bye loves because i literally just washed the dishes at like 1 in the morning and i'm writing this at 3:43 and i need to get sleeping before my dad wakes up at 4:30 and catches me staying up again-
So byee!
30 06,2021
What instrument are you playing/used to play? Why'd you take it up and if you use to play an instrument, why'd you drop it?
Are you thinking of taking up playing an instrument again?

I played the viola for two years because my friend made me sign up for orchestra. Originally wanted to play the violin but the teacher said that there were too many violin players so i went with viola instead lol
Anyway, i stopped playing when i moved schools also because i was shit
I'm thinking of taking up the viola again because of this one bl i read and cuz I've been listening to classical music again recently.
20 10,2020
twosetter 05 09,2020
if you can play it slowly you can?
05 09,2020
05 09,2020
Yall hate me uwu so give me a bunch of hate or roast let it all out cuz im a cunt
05 09,2020
I have been wondering this question for awhile, but when you do you hit the high notes? Is there a trick or a certain thing you have to do to prep your flute before you play it? Please save me<3
05 09,2020