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uhm i feel so lonely because i don’t have someone to talk with when it comes to BL :((( i really like reading bl and i always get so hyped up when reading them like literally lmaoooo I do have twitter doe where I can talk about them (posting tweets but no one interacts xD) aaaaa :((( it’s still different when there’s someone i can scream with or talk to lololol also im a closeted fan btw :dd i have lots of irls who reads bl but I DONT WANT TO RISK IT lol (idonwantoexpose how weird i am plsss) and i kinda want to avoid them :dd if u lonely like me please reply cUZ ILL SCREAM WITH YOU WHEN IT COMES TO BL CONTENTS like you want to exchange recommendations? sure. want to cry about fanarts? sure. want someone to scream along with? sure. want to thirst with ukes or semes? sure. also IM VVVV NOISY IF WE HAVE SIMILAR TASTE TO BL ( ̄∇ ̄") if u bisaya, oy yawa hmu na pls yawaaa boring way ka rant sa bl makahilak kog dugo sigeg pugong eiurudbfnfncncjck are you also lonely? then pls hit me up
20 06,2021
The steam locomotive going down the track
Berries to make dye, can’t look back

There’s Mark
Him and his friends bark

He would never bite
But I didn’t know,
I was sure he might

Hide and seek
I take no peeks

Him and the others go far far away
I sit, hide, and stay

After hours they come back
There’s red on the tracks

But no dye was ever made…
26 05,2021
04 01,2021
uhhh so can someone lend me their netflix so i can wach great pretender i promise i won't change the password they can even change it after 2 days but yeah (๑❛ᴗ❛๑)
04 01,2021
You ever read a (romance) manga and think “Man, I want a love story like that,” but you’re not actively looking for a relationship and don’t have a crush or even remotely like anybody? Because sometimes, that want for affection hits me so much I start to cry and I get attached to anybody, even online, that would give me the type of attention I want. Please tell me somebody relates because this is making me sad
04 01,2021
Toru from bnha eats? Does the food becomes invisible too or do you see it as she chews and go down into her stomach?
12 12,2020
DuckityDuck 19 11,2020
What kind of strange and wild dreams have you had?
(I'm kind of curious cause I always had these weird dreams and I wanna know if im not the only one)
19 11,2020
Have your ever dreamt that one dream where you were running, you don't why but you were running and you somehow always tripped and felt helpless no matter how hard you tried to run you were exhausted and kept slipping and tripped. I had that dream twice now
19 11,2020
AYO can you suggest activities that can reduce stress? :>
16 11,2020
So how’ve y’all been,,, I was gonna say something rn but my brain says no so k
Anyways I’ll just spout something random
I’ve always wanted to be a creator
Whenever I listened to music it made me feel things,,yknow?? Like sometimes I’ll feel sad and nostalgic listening to music and sometimes I’ll feel so empowered and free,,,
So I want to make music and make people feel happy and joyful and maybe pensive and mellow with the music I wanna create
I also wanna write books and draw manga
I wanna make people feel things yknow,,, Sometimes I’ll read sad manga or stories and I’ll have this feeling in my chest,,,something heavy and sometimes I’ll feel bashful when there’s a really cute scene,,, making me want to fall in love,,
I also wanna make movies and have people look at them and laugh or relate to the movies so they can say ‘huh, so there’s others that have been through what I have been’,,, anyways wish me luck and let’s be friends! : )
30 10,2020
I have a crush on someone I don't even know...I have fallen in like with their personality.... Idk why, it's just like the honest that they have.... I DON'T EVEN KNOW THEM.... I still stand by my statement of thinking that it is hormones tho cuz this ain't like me....
So um... What do I do? Like....What even is this? Like.... Am I just horny? Cuz like wtf, just falling in like with someone I don't even know, I haven't even talked to them. What do I do? Like... I don't know how to feel about this....
30 10,2020
I know a lot of people here promote their discord servers but I genuinely want friends that have the same interest as me so please join this server I want weeb friends so bad-
30 10,2020
Help, my teacher just sent me a message, I could FEEL the disappointment.... I shared in class yesterday and I froze up at the end I was so scared, I was stuttering to and I was nervous and aaaaaaa. Then, my computer has been acting up and I'm just stressed and anxious and my teacher are all just disappointed and AAAAHHAAHASHAHAHA WHY DOES THIS S**T EXIST?! My grade's are slipping to, the classes aren't hard, I'm just lazy and stressed and I don't know how to feel~~~~~~~~~ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa. Just..... Just treat this like a weird fanfiction.... Treat this like a weird question, roast me idk and tbh idc just be funny....
30 10,2020
itsme_ 30 10,2020
30 10,2020
So.... Do ya'll? Do ya'll even know him?
30 10,2020
Turns out I have self esteem issues.
Surprising? Not really.

Tell about something good that happened to you recently
30 10,2020
Okay FECK. So I volunteered to talk in class and I fucked up.... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I stuttred to much and I froze up.... D U C K.... I'm trying not to curse so yeah, sorry about that. Also, speaking about cursing, when I was doetalking I said F**K.... IN Class... Heh, yay~ So go off in the comment section I guess
29 10,2020
29 10,2020
weird question but whats the weather where you are right now? Its raining where I am but I like the rain so its good
29 10,2020
when i was younger, i was always sad and shit and i thought it was like "this is a normal puberty thing hahaha" but then i just realised it was probably just depression(self diagnosed but i'm trying hard to actually talk to a professional)

anyway i have no idea why i thought attempting to kill yourself was a thing normal 11 year olds did
29 10,2020
29 10,2020