25 10,2020
My day was pretty wishy washy, my friend's dad got diagnosed with covid, and though she is negative we decided it would be best to cancel our Halloween plans. For some reason though the stars aligned and I got invited to a different Halloween get together, but its at the house of someone I'm not super close with. I hope it is safe and looking by t......   1 reply
25 10,2020
My lifes is the word: meh. Just meh. It’s boring, unadventurous, lonely, stupid and weird. My sleep schedule is fucked i feel like shit almost 24/7. But I had my ups as-well like today. Today was alright not amazing but alright. Anyway, how’s your life and day?   1 reply
25 10,2020
Bruh quarantine rocks, as an introvert i'm having the time of my life. Yet im not oblivious to the economic and health crisis it has caused worldwide. As for my life story... idk, i guess it was pretty shitty (as in I can't remember almost any good memories or happy times since i was a child) until, funny enough, this year. I dont know how it hap......   1 reply
25 10,2020
25 10,2020
my day was boring that's all   1 reply
25 10,2020
25 10,2020
My life:   1 reply
25 10,2020
25 10,2020
I know this is a weird question on an illegal site full of weird people, but hey, I'm curious. Since quarantine, I'm unable to enjoy hearing people talk about their life. It's comforting really.

So tell me about your day, or life story, go ahead I'm all ears. Was it shitty? Great?

And if you want some advice, tho it will be shit advice, I got it.

Thanks, and I hope you have a wonderful day :)
25 10,2020
cash register
25 10,2020
everytime i say i want to have friends or relationships but when people actually try to get to know me, i push them away. Like, i do literally ANYTHING in my power to get them off my back even if it has to come to them hating me in the end... i feel so toxic w myself lmaoooo   1 reply
25 10,2020

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