I'm kind of worried though...if we say that we prefer gay couples instead of straight ones, won't gay couples be offended? I wonder if they feel like they are being seen as a fetish (rather than being another couple just like everyone else) and are offended by it. I do read bl but not really the type to ship people in animes and mangas unless I can......   1 reply
02 09,2020
Yeah, there is a lot of prejudice against fujoshis/fundanshis. People never seem to learn that the actions of a few does not represent the entire group. The majority of these immature people are teens and they will most likely out grown that mess. I've seen more people that are not so childish as to attack ships they don't support. Also, most of th......   3 reply
02 09,2020
Saying that the bnha shippers are mostly toxic and mostly ship minors *is* an accurate statement, though...   1 reply
02 09,2020
You're right but like *sigh* can we not call ourselfs fujoshis just because we read bl   5 reply
02 09,2020
People need to chill and learn to respect other people's choices. if they ship mxm cool if they ship mxf if they ship fxf cool if they ship all might x deku then Jail   1 reply
02 09,2020
This is pretty important (and sorta long), please read it.

So I've read many comments and opinions of what other weebs think of us FujoDanshi's and most of them seem to be pretty...understandable. I get it that not everybody can be nice and some people can get triggered pretty easily and misunderstand up, but that does not mean we HAVE to be rude.

So I was just checking YouTube, and there was this video on toxicity in bnha and how 'kids' or female 'teens' ship just practically everybody (guys characters mostly) and make every single one of them gay, and draw NSFW fanarts of them, and also send death threats to straight shippers. And I know this wasn't right on our behalf so I just let it be.

But then I realised as I went through the comments, people think ALL of us Fujoshi's and Fudanshi's are toxic. And then the comments weren't just rude, like I can stand mean comments upto one point, but they just sort of blew it up.

I tried to be calm and tell them that not all of us are like this, some of us, or most of us are straight, and can accept straight ships or just don't mind (It was in a comment thread), but then there was this other person that sort of threw a tantrum and went 'I'll draw whatever the F I want! I'll make NSFW content if I want!' and other immature statements.

So what I'm trying to convey is, please don't be so toxic. Everybody has their own opinions and preferences. If somebody is being rude then make them understand calmly. I myself am not much of a straight shipper since I've been read yaoi sice I was like 9, so it's sort of abnormal for me to see straight people. But I'm dealing with it, and have gotten a bit comfortable with straight ships.

This is not only for one fandom, this is generally for everyone.
02 09,2020

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