Stay Up Too Late Reading Yaoi

It dissipointed me ngl [Experience]
❣ Ridora ❣
27 08,2024
This is how I felt about this bro. I got 99 problems but liking this manhwa ain't one   5 reply
27 08,2024
good luck yaoi surviver !   reply
08 08,2024
I wish you luck on life internet stranger, I hope other people realize their own problems and do something about them like you did too. :(   reply
08 08,2024
You’re a strong soldier, stronger than most of us. Wish you the best! I however, can’t touch grass, I’m very allergic to it in fact. But I agree, consuming this much corn isn’t good, everyone needs a complete life outside of this site, life isn’t about reading gay smut, it’s about living. Good luck!   reply
08 08,2024
This is sad that people depend on this kind of content. Honestly, I have realized that at the beginning I read for the smut but now it’s for the story and don’t really rely on yaoi or bl anymore. I’ve actually found love in books again and actually found a passion in the thing I’m majoring in and sometimes cant read anything for days with c......   reply
08 08,2024
Amazing for someone to realize they have a problem and fix it! Remember guys, too much of anything is bad for you. Notice if you're using porn or any entertainment as an unhealthy coping mechanism. AND GET THOSE DAMN KIDS OFF THIS SITE /j I get to enjoy mgg while on break, but it's back to the study grind for me in a few weeks.   reply
08 08,2024
......I found this especially for you, well truthfully, ALL of US:))~ What you are doing shows that you Love Yourself. That is your 'master stroke'. Thank you for your honesty and Happy Healing :)   reply
08 08,2024
i really hope i can be like this one day   1 reply
07 08,2024
Me reading this at 2am   1 reply
07 08,2024
you're strong beyond belief. good luck out there soldier o7   reply
07 08,2024

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