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10 07,2021
I feel anxious and uncomfortable please comfort me
10 07,2021
What's something someone said to you that made you go "oh"
14 02,2021
I find human morality such a weird thing. For example, most people on this site are typically against incest, rape and pedophilia, and rightfully so. And they are, in turn, against unrealistic depictions of it in media and the romanticization of such subjects, as am I. You would think this rule that say “if it’s bad in real life then it’s bad in fiction” would apply to everything, but it doesn’t.

We’ll easily demonize someone with a non-con porn kink but shy away from a Freddy Krueger fan. I see what’s generally accepted as murder as a worse crime than rape, yet I don’t care for people who’re horror fanatics, but I *do* see people with rape links and 10MGs of loli hentai stored on their PC as questionable people.

Weird. Why question people who romanticize rape but turn a blind eye to people who do it with murder? Despite the backwards morality, I’m not gonna change my opinions. I don’t see someone who collects Jason figurines as a potential murderer, but I do see someone who can go “pedos bad!” and then go wank their peeners to 2D preschoolers getting dicked n’ doinked as someone questionable who shouldn’t be let around kids.
14 01,2021
11 01,2021
Not apologizing for something I did. I'm never sorry, lmao.

I'm not here as Tuesday right now, I'm here as Elijah. Don't know if anyone noticed but the account that made the post that's got everyone in hysterics right now is named "Mrs. Tuesday," a friend of mine. I'd tell her to get on here and apologize herself, but she's not the type so I took it upon myself to apologize on her behalf. I'm sincerely sorry to anyone she offended. I'd say it wasn't her intention but it absolutely was and she's 100% in the wrong for that whether it was a joke or not.

First of all, she's not straight, she's bisexual, and uses trad-neos herself. She is not a fujoshi either, in fact, she's very anti-fujo.

She didn't mean what she said in that post. This isn't me making excuses for her, it was still a bad idea for her to post that. But I'd just like to make it clear that she only thought it would be funny to troll on here. None of the opinions in that post were her own. She's a very supportive person, but she has her moments when she does things like that.

She's a very opinionated person, as am I, but we're friends nonetheless. She probably deleted her account by now, she said she was gonna do that. Though I have my own opinions on the LGBT that can be considered "controversial," I don't condone what she did in that post. It was not a productive way to spark conversation about those subjects, then again, she just wanted some funny reactions. (kudos to the guy who posted the "small dick energy" meme, that was funny)
11 01,2021
It doesn't need to be permanent. I was just listening to a male version of Dancing on My Own when I got reminded of Hate Mate so this idea popped out.
28 03,2017