06 08,2020
I just suck in my stomach like sometimes I dont even notice and I get really embarrassed when people call me out for it   1 reply
06 08,2020
I hurt myself unconsciously. I mean mentally.   reply
06 08,2020
People get mad and annoyed at me every time I call them and when they answer I say “nEvEr MiNd”... ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍   reply
06 08,2020
I- my mom straight up told me that I act like a psychopath. Talking to myself, nail-biting, scratching, SWEATING FOR NO REASON, stuttering, mumbling, wound-picking, lip biting, and a weird one, rubbing my ankles together, etc. etc. So practically an introverted anxious gay nothing new, nothing special   reply
06 08,2020
Just some of the annoying habits that came to my mind: -chewing the straw when I am drinking something -chewing the bottom of the water bottles -chewing like about 40 gums a day -chewing my pencils -going eyHeeeEhyy when idk what to say -falling everywhere I go like everywhere it’s embarrassing -reading mangas way too fast and starting another ......   reply
06 08,2020
Picking on every little bump on my face until its a bloody mess lol. Ive been like this since i was 8. Now my face looks like a leopard print lol. I have to conceal it everytime i had to show my face, so quarantines been really nice for me because i dont have to spend half an hour in front of the mirror every morning uwu. Another one, i like to eat......   reply
06 08,2020
Being SUPER FREAKING FAST at reading manhwas/manhuas/mangas. Like I just finish a comic( shortcut for all kinds of mangas ) that has 100 chaps AND super long pages for 3-4 hrs...... And now I have nothing....NOTHING!!!! ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ Do you guys have anything to recomend?   1 reply
06 08,2020
biting my lips when i'm nervous or just bored, talking to myself, daydreaming, stuttering when i'm talking to people i'm not close with, showing my true emotions in some situations, accidentally scratching people with my fingernails, pen clicking, poking my fingers with a pin and loads more. I used to have the bad habit of biting and picking my fin......   reply
06 08,2020
I have a condition with my stomach, is not working properly because I used to eat tons of shit, more specifically, spicy things. What happens is that I fart a lot. I stopped eating junk food but this has become worse as this also happens whenever I have strong emotions like get nervous, frustrated, anxious, sad, etc. Since it's something I have ......   2 reply
06 08,2020
i guess my lips are pretty dry so i tend to pick on them and peel the skin off and stuff, especially if i’m concentrating on something (⊙…⊙ ) i also shake my leg a lot and it annoys my parents lmao   2 reply
06 08,2020

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