Learn Japanese Chinese Korean

Well, you must consider that learning Japanese takes months to year. As if I can suggest you is try to write and speak hiragana and katakana characters first. Then try to write few simple kanji and it so called radicals. Dont forget kanji in japanese have onyomi (chinese reading) and kunyomi (japanese reading). At this rate you can try to watch you......   1 reply
05 02,2017
Delling 05 02,2017
there are lots of apps to learn like memrise, linguti, bliu bliu, the japanese pod101, etc. You can also find teachers and people that will study with you in apps like italki and lang-8,etc I would recommend you to start with "tae kim's guide to learning japanese", and well i think that's all... remember to be careful when talking with people ther......   1 reply
05 02,2017
Hmm, it really depends on how you learn. I'm not a language teacher, but having learned some languages myself, I could try to give you a few pointers. First, there are a lot of online resources that have courses dedicated to teaching various things. So, if you like to receive formal instruction, then I would suggest doing a search for some of tho......   1 reply
05 02,2017
I REALLY want to learn Japanese, but I don't know where to start. And I tend to learn things best when I have some type of mentor/"teacher" to look up to. Sadly, though, I haven't been able to find anyone- at least anyone who is willing to go the full distance with me. If anyone knows where to start or is even just willing to help me out in general please... hit me up. (=・ω・=)
If no one can do that then could you maybe just point me into the right direction so that I may teach myself?
Thanks! (=・ω・=)
05 02,2017
TOPIK Level 3 [Experience]
05 02,2017
I took the Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK) and I was shocked to get the result. I took Korean Language classes from a cultural center in my country. At first, I wanted to learn Japanese but it was a bit too difficult to self-study especially since I was a university student. I wanted to attend Japanese Language classes but they cost a lot mor......   1 reply
05 02,2017
Ahahahahahahha [Experience]
sharknado 15 01,2017
I'm half Japanese and half Korean, so I naturally learnt to speak both languages. However, I moved to New Zealand when I was 7 months old, so I was forced to learn English. I remember being able to speak both languages fluently, but I was so young so now I've forgotten. I can still understand a lot of Japanese, and a tiny bit of Korean, and can als......   1 reply
15 01,2017
My tips and advice [Experience]
Rice Cake 04 01,2017
I originally typed this up as a reply to someone who wanted to learn how to speak JP, KN, and CN, and it was too long to waste so I think I'll post this here to help anyone out. On speaking: If you're going to learn Japanese and Korean, learn the alphabet. Japanese always ends in a vowel, and Korean has those double letters like "ae" and "eu" (tha......   1 reply
04 01,2017
i felt the same, so 5 years ago i started learning Japanese and then went on to Korean, i still use subtitles for some things (Mostly Korean as i have only studies it for 3 years), but it does help especially as there are some things that cant be properly translated and you only really know the full meaning in Japanese/Korean. Sometimes it can be d......   3 reply
24 08,2016
24 08,2016
I think that learning South Korea and Japanese would be fun
And if I were to to learn Japanese or South Korea it would be better to watch a anime manga or a movie without any subs and I wouldn't wait for it either
And I would understand what a song or TV show means
And I don't think I am the only one having these problems
24 08,2016
I recommend not learning by urself. go to a japanese learning school or smth, or get some help from a japanese friend or idk (if u have one) or be my friend (・∀・) but i dont teach japanese coz its a pain in the a. coz if u learn alone u wont know how people hear your pronoucation. which is important. this isnt really an experience of mine coz......   1 reply
22 07,2016

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