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21 11,2024
I was watching "hi score girl" and ran out of chapters in the middle of eating good rare expensive food. What do i watch next.
(I finished dangers in my heart, teasing master, hanako Kun, komi, bocchi the rock, angel next door spoils me rotten, duke of death and his maid, shikikomoris not just a cutie, aharen san, bottom tier tomozaki, horimiya and when will ayumu make his move, ice guy and his cool..., love is hard for otaku, kaguya sama, )
If there's anything left like these can anyone give me recs?
08 03,2024
See I never feel anything when someone compliments me Whatever they call me Pretty and stuff like that I just think ah OK and Move on with my life after saying thank you like the only time I got happy when a adult compliment me was when Someone's mom came up to me. Grabbed my face, looked me up and down and Started saying how pretty and tall i was i was fr so happy BUT When I tell you I get so happy when a kid compliments me. I'm not joking, cause when a kid compliments you you know they're being for real cause. Kids are so fucking brutally honest
13 02,2024
Just wondering if any one writes fanfics
12 02,2024
What’s the most bizare conspiracy theory that you love and believe deeply?
12 02,2024
You know I've come to realize over the years I've developed a Skill to understand bad translations pretty Easily because I see people complain. They can't understand what they're saying but here I am thinking that it's good translation
12 02,2024
Cause bruh I thought yall were exaggerating about less than 6 hours of sleep a day like do yall manage doing acads while also enjoying reading here??
12 02,2024
12 02,2024
It can be any picture in your gallery between your 6th to 15th recently saved ones

Yeah I'm bored lol
12 02,2024
I just saw a tiktok talking about what people would rec others that want to get into anime and got curious about my own choices but couldn't really decide.

What would you rec first time anime watchers or manga readers (since this is a manga site)?
19 01,2024
A month or so ago, the topic of fanservice popped off and people were saying fanservice for women is basically how the men act. Also a lot of women seem okay with simply shirtless men.

This made me think am I okay? If someone told me about a fanservice game for women and all it had was shirtless men making me breakfast and punching the baddies I would be servery disappointed but how does one sexualise men. With women it is easy. Women's bodies are heavily sexualised the breast, tighs, butt and sometimes even the neck, shoulders, belly, feet etc. But with men the only sexualised things are sexual body parts like the penis and maybe the butt. You could argue muscles can be, but too much muscles and now it is just fanservice for men who want that body.

I want to know anybody thoughts on this. Including what you have noticed, would like to see and think counts and maybe other opinions relating this topic.

I am not going to lie I am not expecting more than 2 responses on this, so if someone can give me a website and a place where it wouldn't feel out of question to ask this please tell me.
26 12,2023
WAKE UP! GREAT PRETENDER's trailer for another season just dropped OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!!!! ( Yup I made this just to share this <) The world is healing yall!!!!
17 11,2023
I had no idea this was a debate but i stand corrected, tell me your opinions on this. Obviously they cannot, its a fact, its just strange to see someone dispute this. Please do not attack anybody here and be civil, thank you.
27 10,2023
Ive been seeing people straight up misinform others without properly researching what they're talking about and when they get caught it looks so stupid. So i wanna ask, have yall ever fact checked or seen someone fact check another persons lies? Let me know because ive done it AND its happened to my dumbass 
09 10,2023

Thank you and Pls pls pls give Berserk what it deserve pls pls pls I'm beggingI'm down on my knees I'm handstanding (?) I'm crawling
03 10,2023
17 09,2023
The anime site i used to watch is not working for a while now can someone recommend me sites where i can re-watch spirited away with quality subtitles pls?
17 09,2023
Is it gay or is it just gangstalicious shorts for thugs? Real difficult question there ...
11 08,2023
jerr !!
19 07,2021
any of yall watch it?? im literally starving to talk to someone about it

currently on episode 572 and just finished the fishman island arc
19 07,2021
Like, what goes through their head?
It doesn't make sense that they can just outwardly deny a whole group of people.
Like just call it genital preference, but no need to be so you just lost the game blatant about it.
07 07,2021
Why are y'all so goddamn fine?? I will literally develop a crush on you if you are in 6 ft radius of me for 10 seconds Like damn shawty put that onion ring on my fingerrrr
07 07,2021