Yaoi Being Life Ruining

PLs HeLp mE [Answer]
Yuki Kirishima 09 04,2020
This is what it looks like though >~< It doesn't show the sign in thing nor the sign out thingy   1 reply
09 04,2020
You can try reload the page. You are using phone, right? If you can't see the reload button, you can keep scrolling upwards until you reach the top of the page , drag your finger down the screen until you see the refresh symbol, then just release the finger. Your page will be refreshed. I don't have any idea how else I can help you, ^^   1 reply
09 04,2020
PLs HeLp mE [Question]
Yuki Kirishima 09 04,2020
So yeah...help me pls, so for some reason I can't see my acc on my top right cause the account profile thingy will be shown on the top right, and also for reading the mangas, its the old version and can't load the pages...?? So what do I do now? My acc can only work for my phone and not my ipad......T-T help me pls
09 04,2020
Why the hell do you want to stop??? It's just a hobby.   reply
31 01,2020
Am a straight one though, But most of all am a woman lols... But I dont know what on earth happen to me that I just like reading bl story's... And the thing is..... the way how they showed their love and affections are very touching as if I wish to be sometimes like them (guy) i mean... And still no one wants to stop me for admiring them.. So I......   reply
31 01,2020
Well anything is dangerous if it becomes an obsession. If most things you read(including books, comics and etc.) consists of yaoi, then taking a break may be a good idea. You also sound fairly young, if you're too young you probably shouldn't view any sexualised media at all. Gay or straight doesn't matter much in this. Another thing that caught......   reply
30 01,2020
I guess it depends on your outlook on yaoi manga?! Like I really enjoy it too becuase the plots are super funny or ridiculous, or bc it’s hot. If you read to though to the point on chronic masturbation or where you fetishise gays then maybe I’d cut back on it.   reply
30 01,2020
I meannnnnn...I feel like I SHOULD stop but I just can't seem to stop...I feel like yaoi has been ruining my life but it's like something to help get through the tough times by escaping reality. I think my sisters found out and maybe they are gonna tell my parents and my life will be doomed. Plus I don't really talk to my sisters unless it's urgent so it's pretty hard here. Should I stop all of these and just live like a human being that doesn't know anything about yaoi??
30 01,2020
Apparently I never knew it was yaoi because I was pretty young at that time, like I was 9 years old or something. I was even very dumb to to think that it was just a normal relationship. I can still clearly remember that "love stage" was the first yaoi anime I watch on an internet shop with a lot of people, good thing they're wearing headphones. Th......   reply
08 01,2020
i first thought about reading it after i watched yuri on ice, i wanted more so i looked up a manga for it and found a fan made one and a while later at age 13 i started reading 10 count and now i love yaoi   reply
08 01,2020

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