Did [Experience]
Lemonsoda 29 06,2021
We used to be so close he even said lets do a double marriage in the future but now we aint even talk to each other anymore everytime i want to Start a conversation i always get ignored maybe im the only one who thinks we were close lol   1 reply
29 06,2021
idk [Experience]
29 06,2021
I think he died /j   reply
29 06,2021
29 06,2021
So basically, we met due to campus journalism, it's like a club ig I was on my 7th grade (shameful and dumb, i know) and he was on his 9th grade but the age difference was like 4-5 years now that I realize it No joke, I thought of him as like an older brother, since I wasn't close to my siblings as that time During our three day seminar/contest, we......   1 reply
29 06,2021
He got a girlfriend [Experience]
Daun Kering 29 06,2021
This is the first time i meet someone that have same taste and though like mine, he's kind and treat me really well, also support me ..... But yeah life is just not fair when i just fall for him, he's already got a girlfriend and much better than me ;) and now just like all of it disappear   1 reply
29 06,2021
my crush ghosted me [Experience]
stephelixir 29 06,2021
this man literally flirted with me online and even watched me dance, after two weeks of talking to him he told me he was going to finish his game first so we can talk and we never did again. he greeted me happy birthday two weeks after ghosting me and i removed him as a friend on facebook lol   reply
29 06,2021
I’ve been friends with this guy for about 3 years now and I’ve started ghosting him because he creeps me out but I have no courage to tell him to stop so Im hoping he’d notice I’m ghosting him. I’ve been ghosting him for weeks now but I’d still get 3+ massages per day please help. I know it’s kinda mean but he’s being creepy. (He wa......   2 reply
29 06,2021
So I would text a guy. I always had to text first and all and he made it seem that he wanted be Soo I looked up a yt video and it said that he was Being nice but I didn't really look in and now I've been talking to him for 4 Days and he dosent even answering be Back like he wouldt never right away like a good 6mins   2 reply
17 07,2020

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