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01 06,2021
01 06,2021
i've been seeing so much lately about how badly india is being affected by covid, if any of y'all are reading this, please be careful and stay safe.

as for the others, here's the link to donate to indian red cross for covid relief. if u can, please do so. (this is where i donated, if y'all have any other links feel free to share 'em):
27 04,2021
around fall, there was this user pfp that had a skeleton with a Christmas hat. I remember them, does anybody know if they are still around this site?
26 04,2021
like whenever i see ratasha all i can do is pity her because at first she never had any bad intentions she judt thought the emperor loves her which is honestly painful to watch since its obviouse shes being used for her body and looks while also not knowing the emperor is crawling back to my wife so in short I FEEL ACTUALLY SORRY FOR RATASHA
25 04,2021
25 04,2021
so i keep seeing people comment on a question " why do you keep bringing up this " and the first thing that comes to my mind is something like " if you guys would stop answering the question it wouldnt be brought up again. "
25 04,2021
Asking for a friend
24 04,2021
What's your current mochi emoji on mangago's title ?
Do you like changing it ? How often do you change it ?
24 04,2021
24 04,2021
What are the most infamous users?
24 04,2021
24 04,2021
Who were the popular user when you JOINED
24 04,2021
please, can you recommend guys?
24 04,2021
Why the hell does this exist and why are ya’ll suddenly spreading awareness about r*pe NOW?!



I’m crying typing this run lol but stay safe babes!
24 04,2021
Ok i see drama and imma throw my opinion on here and try to explain it as calm as i can since yall seem to be sensitive to bad words, but if yall wanna continue to be salty then stay mad ig

The whole rape day thing is fake, rape happens everyday but other than that it was created on tiktok which says a lot by itself. Criminals dont wait for a rape day to be created on tiktok and then they rape people they'll do that shit anyways and rape is still illegal that's not gonna change on the 24th of April.

I get that yall are mad at this day being made since men are literally using a legitimate fear that women have. But that being said yall overreacting to this chainmail thing is literally giving those men exactly what they want, yall are giving them the power that you so desperately dont want them to have over you.

If yall wanna help spread awareness about rape yall can do 100 other things to help victims of sexual assault maybe educate your ignorant family/ friends, have discussions about those topics, about what are the ACTUAL reasons that drive men to rape women but yall overreacting over this thing is literally proving to the other side that we are a bunch of triggered snowflakes that will react to anything even if its clearly fake. Yall are giving ammunition to the other side so they can disregard actual victims of sexual assault by saying " they're just a bunch of triggered snowflakes"

This is some overcorrective shit that is actually hurting victims of sexual assault and rape itself as a subject since yall are disregarding actual reasons that drive men to rape women and just accept that a bunch of men made a tiktok day to rape women and we shoukd all take it seriously. Yall make us look silly
24 04,2021
24 04,2021
While the shitshow is going down I'm gonna flex my haunted ass house with a few stories.

No.1 The garage incident.
I was about 7 ish and my brother was about 4 or 5, how are morning routines usually work is we would get up, get dressed, eat, and get in the car for early-care (basically babysitting for kids who got to school early) so it was about 6AM and winter time and we were waiting in the car when all of a sudden the garage door opens. It pauses and then goes back down again, it goes up and down for seemingly an eternity until it suddenly stops. We tell our mom and she says it must be an incident with the sensors so she goes to check out the history. Instead of seeing a malfunction she saw the garage button being pushed numerous times. There was no one there.

No.2 The knocking
I was up late studying for midterms one night, it was completely quiet and I assumed everyone was asleep. As I was working I hear a knock on my door, assuming it was my parents I open the door, nobody. So I think "Whatever, I was probably hearing things." and I go back to studying, fifteen minutes later I hear another knock. I get up, open the door and, no one. So at this point I'm like "What the fuck :D" so I just put on my headphones and continue to work. A third knock. This time a mf doesn't answer and I go to bed. No more knocking.

No.3 The door
So, I was leaving a room, and as in mandatory in my household I close the door behind me. I don't think much of it until I realise I left something in that room, I turn around and well, it's open. I probably didn't shut it hard enough so I go back and get my thing before closing the door again and walk away. A few moments later I go down the hall and guess what? The door is open again. At this point I'm annoyed and I sarcastically say "Fine, you can close it." as I walk away, I hear the signature creak of my door closing, I turn around and it's closed.
24 04,2021
kya 24 04,2021
About the "National Day" thing: The issue is not whether it is real or not. It is the fact that in this day and time, in already 2021, a small group of men are allowed set out a date to terrorize women all over the nation without consequences. Even if it's probably not real, the news spread so far that men whom would be unaware of this "joke" are going to feel validated enough to commit a crime. Regardless of this fake holiday, women are going to be sexual assaulted tomorrow, because women are sexual assaulted every day. Every. Single. Day. Every 73 seconds, to be more exact.

This incident spread more awareness about the risks of sexual assault than any other recent campaign. Please allow women AND men to learn how to defend themselves against rape and harassment. In this world we live in it's important to know how to protect yourself, whether on April 24th or some other day, if not from rape, maybe domestic violence. There's no harm in learning, and even if the world doesn't burn down tomorrow, at least we have a skill for a future emergency.
24 04,2021
Why are you so pressed about people trying to spread awareness about April 24 and wishing other people to be safe? You know you don’t have to respond...just like....idk read some fucking manga(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
24 04,2021

The first statement I will say is that, the concern over National Rape Day is problematic. Why is it problematic?

The concern over it, first of all, has turned away people's attention from any sexual violence that has already been happening the days between the announcement of its existence, and today.

Any rape/sexual violence that will happen on that 1 day is only ever going to get noticed, when it probably will have similar statistics to the day before. This has already happened before. Similar events tend to be repeated.

The concern over it did offend me a bit because, after all these years of daily disgusting cases, kids finally take it seriously because of this false rumour? How ironic is that?

There was no evidence that it was happening anyway, until this person on Tiktok began to warn people about this National Rape Day. Why did no one have suspicions on her in the first place? Moral high ground? No one has SEEN the root of this as well, which is suspicious.

So sure, warn people all you want. Tell people to be afraid. But I hate the fact that rape/sexual violence is genuinely ignored all this entire month for this 1 day.
24 04,2021
key 24 04,2021
have you ever send a message to someone, in which you asked a simple question and yet your hands are shaking and you're about to have a panic attack because you find it so annoying and stupid? And you can't delete it, because they'll notice.

Because that definitely ain't me, bitch. not me right now. I was just curious about y'all.
24 04,2021
if you punch/kick/elbow someone in the gut... they will lose their breath, also if you can help it stay tf inside ┗( T﹏T )┛
23 04,2021
I just found out these people made April 24th national r@p3 day and they said they were going out to r@pe everybody. I saw it on the news to. Here is some more info on it.
I hope y'all stay safe out there
23 04,2021
Whats your opinion on the riots happening in the US?

I want to know because I feel like with all thats happening here we are becoming one of the worst countries to be in.

I feel nervous since I don't live to far from where the riots are happening and my neighbor is a major trumpist.

They play it off as "protesting" but no its not and it never was. If the first thing you go to is violence no its not protesting anymore.
These are RIOTS and aren't for any good reason.
its only for their own gain

I dont see why you cant just move on from your losses instead of tarnishing the whole country's name. Im honestly very disappointed.
07 01,2021