Thoughts Abt Same Sex Marriage

They are still human who can kill and is bound to be dead by old age, etc. Personally don't care, they did bad things? punish them. They help another human? Ok that's good. In same sex marriage, love is still there does is not? Because I know for a fact, yes there is love in there.   reply
17 03,2024
Why are you on a porn manga site   reply
17 03,2024
As a gay catholic christian I believe marriage should be only between a man and a woman. However, same-sex couples should be able to enter a civil union, which would give them the same legal rights as marriage. What most people do not understand is that being gay doesn't mean that you're excluded from Jesus's Love or Divine Grace. We all carry our......   3 reply
16 03,2024
What I find extremely ridiculous and infuriating is that same-gender people can't get married because of someone else's beliefs. Like, imagine that at c XXI you're ginger and you have to dye or shave your hair because I think that color in humans is antinatural or witch-related idk, and that you can even get killed or tortured because of that. This......   reply
16 03,2024
Marriage doesn’t have to be catholic. Can people stop trying to force their religion onto everybody else?   1 reply
16 03,2024
Tbh I feel like if you're really a Christian, like the one that read the Bible and actually bases their beliefs on the Bible and not their own morals you wouldn't be accepting of it. There's verses that speak against it, and if you exclude them because some say it's mistranslated it doesn't change the fact that god made women to be the companions......   reply
16 03,2024
well what i think is that it's a basic human right, gay people like us can't help liking who we like and it's not hurting anyone? we're just loving who we love and it's all positive usually! i grew up in a religious family that doesn't support gayness but it's not really like it can be helped? they say stuff like 'they'll be cured one day' and stuf......   reply
02 07,2021
I personally think that you absolutely can love and marry the same sex. I think that maybe god is testing us? idk man, I stopped going to church when I was 9. Maybe we were put on this earth to do our own thing, I don't think god wants to interfere with us, I think he's just quietly watching. Anyways, I knew I liked women since I was a kid, I mean ......   reply
02 07,2021
I grew up in Catholic family. I've done four of the sacraments: baptism, reconciliation, communion, and confirmation, and the conclusion I've reached is that same sex marriage is something to support. To break it down, sexuality isn't a choice; sexuality is a part of one's identity. From a religious stand point it's like saying that God created peo......   reply
04 08,2020
I'm a catholic and a reader at my church, and I 100% support same sex marriage, even though my church and religion does not support that. I just think that love is love there is nothing wrong with loving a person that is the same sex as you. All love is beautiful (but there are exceptions).   1 reply
16 07,2020

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