OK so this is just a funny little story that happened a while ago. So to give a little bit of background so the story makes sense every year on the last week of school we have the seniors from the high school in our area do a "walkthrough" through the middle school they attended. I was an 8th grader when this happened. So I tend to dress pretty gen......   reply
23 06,2019
let's see the worst thing that probably happened to me was getting drunk with a friend and her bf he was making her drink vodka straight from the bottle so she got super drunk really quick. Later on that night she had gotten in to a fight with her bf and decided to leave the party well my other friend and I got worried so we started looking for her......   reply
23 06,2019
For men and boys [Answer]
Dinkie 14 10,2018
(Gay guy) Honestly this is such an open question. To me it entirely depends on the woman as an individual. However as a very broad generalisation I think that women are easier to talk to than straight men, and are much more expressive in their emotions. Particularly emotions such as softness, kindness, and compassion. Of course, generalising aga......   2 reply
14 10,2018
For men and boys [Answer]
14 10,2018
I have some thoughts. Me and my only sister were raised by mom after our craycray dad left. I have a niece, my best friend is a woman and I was a mega Tori Amos and Björk fan in the 90s. No one ever taught me men and women were different. Al women in my family had carreers, my grandfather gave me a perfume for women on my 20th birthday, my aunt l......   1 reply
14 10,2018
Hey! I'm asexual and quoiromantic. I think this sounds like demisexuality to me. It could also just be that you aren't really comfortable with the thought of having sex with people who you don't trust. I hope you come to understand your identity better, whatever it may be. Good luck!   reply
14 10,2018
Hi! I'm also aromatic! Although I'm asexual as well so I can't relate to your experience. But I was thinking that maybe you could be demisexual aromatic?? And maybe that's why you are only sexually attracted to people who you have an emotional connection with. If you know you don't have romantic feelings for anyone, it can also be just a preferen......   reply
14 10,2018
I don't think there's anyone capable of giving you a satisfying answer but yourself. There really isn't a correct answer. Maybe we should all treat this stuff on a "specific case in point" basis. My wildly uneducated GUESS is that you might be trying to have your cake and eat it. Maybe you are able to have sex outside of a romantic relationship be......   2 reply
13 10,2018
I consider myself aromantic because while I'm attracted to people, I don't want to be in a romantic relationship with anyone, ever. That being said, my dumbass body only wants to have sex with people who I know. Has this happened to anyone else? Suggestions? Please don't just say that it means i'm not aromantic, thanks!
13 10,2018
So the worst thing may be like something harsh, awful.

The funniest thing may be a moment where it is just funny af!

OR any moment experience you wanna share :)
16 10,2017
For men and boys [Question]
14 10,2017
This might come off as weird, but I want to know how you see girls and women. I'm trying to understand your point of view, unfiltered. I keep seeing things about how guys act when they don't think there's any girls around and I want to know about it. Yes, even if you're gay. Yes, even if you hate women. I see alot of that too and I want to know why you hate women. I want to know your thoughts, even if they're bad.

I think this is something that should be talked about. Please discuss politely as possible. Open honesty is sometimes hard to take in, and to give, so let's just try to be civil.
14 10,2017

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