23 06,2019
23 06,2019
23 06,2019
23 06,2019
For men and boys
14 10,2018
For men and boys
14 10,2018
Aromatic with trust issues. He lp
14 10,2018
Aromatic with trust issues. He lp
14 10,2018
Aromatic with trust issues. He lp
13 10,2018
Aromatic with trust issues. He lp
13 10,2018
I consider myself aromantic because while I'm attracted to people, I don't want to be in a romantic relationship with anyone, ever. That being said, my dumbass body only wants to have sex with people who I know. Has this happened to anyone else? Suggestions? Please don't just say that it means i'm not aromantic, thanks!
16 10,2017
So the worst thing may be like something harsh, awful.
The funniest thing may be a moment where it is just funny af!
OR any moment experience you wanna share :)
The funniest thing may be a moment where it is just funny af!
OR any moment experience you wanna share :)
For men and boys
14 10,2017
This might come off as weird, but I want to know how you see girls and women. I'm trying to understand your point of view, unfiltered. I keep seeing things about how guys act when they don't think there's any girls around and I want to know about it. Yes, even if you're gay. Yes, even if you hate women. I see alot of that too and I want to know why you hate women. I want to know your thoughts, even if they're bad.
I think this is something that should be talked about. Please discuss politely as possible. Open honesty is sometimes hard to take in, and to give, so let's just try to be civil.
I think this is something that should be talked about. Please discuss politely as possible. Open honesty is sometimes hard to take in, and to give, so let's just try to be civil.