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i can't believe i'm resorting to confessing to a pirating website centered around gay sex but. what do you do when you don't see a future for yourself?

i was an art major four years ago. my depression was a factor in my breaking off my relationships with my best friends, dropping out of college, and moving back home. i say to people that it was because of covid, but really i didn't have the confidence to survive in the industry. i didn't have the motivation to get better because i believed i was the best artist in high school. in college i quickly learned i wasn't.

my dad got me a job in data entry. i stayed there for a few years before deciding to quit. before i could the same company offered me a position in the accounting department because they needed some extra hands. the pay was better so i accepted. i've been in this position for another two years, i decided to go back to school for accounting to finally get a degree but to be honest, i fucking hate accounting. math and science were my worst classes in high school, and now i'm sitting on my ass everyday looking at numbers, reports, and equations.

i took up writing again. it was a hobby of mine since high school. i won a national award for one of my memoirs in my senior year. but i no longer have the attention span to read books in order to improve my writing because i'm stuck at a job and in class working and studying for something i don't want to do. i'm wasting money to get a degree that i don't want. i'm thankful for even having a job but this company seems like it's on its last legs and i don't have the confidence of doing well in another accounting position at another company. should i even continue being an accountant? should i commit to becoming a writer despite my lack of skills and experience to become one? my life wasn't supposed to be this way.
24 days
I just managed to figure out the timezone it says mgg updates in, and it's in Africa??? This has been my personal #1 unsolved mystery for the past 6 years.
09 08,2024
Our prime minister turned dictator is murdering inoccent students just because we protested for a rightful job system . At least 2000+ students have died in the last 2 weeks. 100+ students died just today! They have murdered kids as young as 4 years old. But we still haven’t given up. We won't let the blood of our brothers and sisters go in vain. We will march towards her residence tomorrow and we only have one demand. For her to step down. Please pray for us. Joy Bangla.
04 08,2024
I miss my troll buddy :(

I miss everyone

28 07,2024
show me your ocs and tell me everything about them, if they interestin enough, i'll draw em
23 03,2024
17 01,2024
what are YOUR bl pet peeves. for example mine is miscommunication and a whiny weak bottom that doesn't stand up for himself. or a rushed plot. feel free to give examples i'm bored and want to rant

FOR EXAMPLE. right now i'm really pissed about yours to claim. it's really still ongoing..
17 01,2024
Okay so, im really confused on what I want tbh.. I want to know if anyone else is having the same experience and can share some advice.

So basically, I am really confused on whether I want a romantic relationship or just something similar to the sort?

I dont want a sexual relationship, I hate kissing and the thought of having sex makes me afraid and disgusted. I want someone who I can rely on and in return they can rely on me. I want someone to hold close and to share my thoughts and feelings with. Someone who I can share words of affection with.

However, I haven't come even close to developing feelings for somebody and im afraid I never will. I am young (not disclosing my age for safety reasons ofc.) and im sick of people telling me I will eventually. Because if I’ve gone this long without even feeling attracted to some besides the normal ‘Oh, they’re pretty.’ What will even change in the future? Will i all of a sudden unlock romantic attraction after a certain age? Am i just not normal? I feel so frustrated and confused. I cant even tell my friends this because I feel they wont understand because they like other people have had feelings for other people and have dated before. I dont want to have to lie to someone to get these wants met, I want to feel loved and I want to love somebody.
17 01,2024
Why not join us in the discord, Mangago-ers ! Here in Mangago-ers we have something for everyone! Some of the channels we have: Kpop, Art, Gaming-vc, Irl-pics and even Study help! We also have planned events like movie nights and gaming events! We already have a game event planned for the 7th, we're going to do a kpop random play dance in roblox! If any of this interests you please consider joining us!!
03 10,2023
Ok I have a genuine question, as someone who is bisexual and gender-fluid as In I see myself as he/she/they meaning I see myself as a woman and man (and in between or sometimes none) is it fetishizing for me to read BL? I also read GL but no one ever talks about it so but anyway I’m genuinely confused because people say it’s fetishizing gay men to like yaoi as a straight woman, but as someone who is a woman and a man is it wrong?(when I say BL I mean the whole category not just yaoi)
03 10,2023
11 07,2021
I think I'm cursed or something with bugs and drinks. A month ago 2 of my water bottles had a big bug in both of them.
( I had to almost empty water bottles, and I lost the cap for both of them- )

And like this week my cup of milk had a bug in it and I was about to drink it. I'm very scared of bugs and my house is full of bugs so I think it will happen again is there a way to purify myself again (/TДT)/
11 07,2021
The id is 657 879 9531 and the password is depression. I just want someone to talk to so please join
03 06,2021
you are nana? 03 06,2021
bye i just caught my dad watching porn and idk how to react—
03 06,2021
XiaoHua 30 05,2021
So, I was without any chat app for a while, cuz I thought it would help me concentrate for my college entrance exams. And now that I'm in, I just installed everything back... So, I received some messages on whatsapp and could recognize some of them, cuz of their pfp o just cuz I knew their numbers... But then I received a message from this dude greeting me, whose number I didn't know and he didn't have a pfp either... But, I changed my cellphone recently so it's just normal that I don't have everyone's contacts... Then I asked them who they were and they told me they were trying to talk to his uncle. When I told them I didn't know their uncle, they told me they typed the wrong number... I thought our talk had ended there... But then this weird person asked me if we could be friends!
I thought, " Ok, I talk with a lot of weird persons that I don't know anyway... There's no problem... It must be some of these extrovert kids..." Then I told them it was ok...
But, since that point, things started getting creepy...
First they told he was a guy named Pablo and asked for my name... I told... nothing wrong with it... And then he asked me where I lived. I didn't answer and said I don't know him enough to tell this. But, out of anywhere, he told me I was pretty and called me baby?! WTF?! I asked how old he was, and turns out he's 35! From my pfp you can clearly see that I'm less then 35! Actually, I'm 19...
He started bragging for me about his farms and checked my number to see where I'm from and then asked me for confirmation of my location and told me he had a house near...
I stopped answering this dude for a little time and now he keeps sending messages with hearts asking where I went to!!!
This dude already saw my pfp and knows my name, and, from his number, he really lives near here... I don't wanna risk meeting this weirdo outside and have he trying to make anything bad to me or embarrass me cuz I blocked him without notice...
So, can you guys give me some tips on how to get rid of this guy?
30 05,2021
Okay so I'm a bisexual and I've heard people on this site saying stuff about how bisexuals are invalid and a lot of them are just pretending to like the same gender, etc and all of that so I just wanna know, what are your guy's opinion about Bisexuals?
18 05,2021
anyways time to overshare on the internet <3

my long distance gf of 8+ months who i’ve been trying to break up with for about a MONTH now has now officially stopped answering my texts since a little over a week ago after i asked if “we could talk”. like mans literally got up and left. she answered after i asked and said “i haven’t had access to my phone” and after? gone. POOF.

but i have her location… so unless her parents take her phone and then follow her to school everyday then i’m starting to get the idea that she has her phone (clarification: PLS IM NOT STALKING I JUST WANTED TO CONFIRMSIDJ)

for the past month now she would text me “good morning” and i would text back so that i could just get it over with but she would never replied to my text until the next day when it would start over and she would say gm to me and me to her and again the next day after, and after… you get the gist.

to add on, she emotionally manipulated me and continued to do things i was uncomfortable with, never fixed her mistakes, forgot important things, basically ignored me for two weeks when her best friend was staying over, and much more. so you would understand why i just want to break it off for good!!!

i’ve literally texted her once everyday or two to remind her “hey my dude we need to talk” for the past week or so and no reply :/

anyways send tips on what i should do because i have no more ideas. i’ve texted her twice today already: once after seeing she was at school and had her phone, second time after she got home. and man i am struggling. but i hope you enjoyed my confusing love-life i currently have going on :,)
11 05,2021
Share your most ‘inspirational’ sentences or anything similiar. I kinda want some idea for my slideshow lol
11 05,2021
HYÆCINTH 11 05,2021
I don't frequent much on what Fujos/not do involving bl so I don't know a lot. Now excuse me while I bring this topic back but yes this is about 2017 mangago and more.

The disgusting things I read there, like:

"The envy is love to just fuck the brains out of a cute uke."
“sometimes i wish i was a guy so i could do smexy stuff like in manga to another guy?"

"Whenever I read yaoi I get major penis envy. I keep thinking it would be nice to grow a dick and be a seme. "

"With my current body, it's impossible to be a seme. This is actually frustrating me irl."

“omg. I have always wanted to be a gay guy. Straight sex kinda creeps me out, after being so used to reading about gay sex for 4 years.“

"When I read yaoi I keep wondering how it would be if I was a gay guy, I would just love to have sex with a hot seme or with a cute uke ლ(´ڡ`ლ) and I keep wondering how many erection I would get throughout the day…”

and then I see fujos/straight readers emphasize "we project when reading SL not BL" while there are still people obsessed to the point of questioning their gender/sex for this sick reason. This self projection is the reason why they wish to be boys. Feeding off of a fetishized genre and wanting to apply it to real life, not only goes beyond fetishizing; this infatuation is disgusting, disturbing, and harmful to mlm and the ones who think about it themselves.
11 05,2021
M×G 10 05,2021
I posted a day or two ago how I am going to get a new puppy, which is a girl, tomorrow. And I was given a whole bunch of good names, but I still haven't decided on one, because even though I liked a few of them, it just isn't sticking. So if anyone else has like some last-minute names they could give me, before I have to pop out the first word out of my head, which I'm not even sure what will be, please help lmao.
10 05,2021
So here's the thing, I'm a transferee with some friends in a new school through online class. And someone confessed to one of my dear, and it seems like even he wasn't dumped he got turned off with how she replies. And you know what that freaking guy is in my inbox now, saying he's being charming to me just because he made the first move.

Of course there's no way I'll entertain him, so after a week of ignoring me. He tried to persuade my friend again, like hey you need some check up.

I'll just ignore him for the rest of my life, what do you guys think?
04 05,2021
that homo sapiens are dumb as fuck.... They will either disappoint you sooner or later....... What can you do they are only human ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
make friends with other species to avoid bullshit.......
20 04,2021