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i'm planning to write a novel (which i will go on to post on wattpad) so i need your help to develop a very basic ass plot w a twist.

just as the title says, overused tropes and what gets you frustrated when reading stories w such tropes
19 08,2024
Hi, I'm curious if you could make a character and give them a back story (cutest possible or tragic too) what would you add? (feel free to add a picrew)

My answer - my oc is named atlas and is one dumb mf! With a tragic past (orphaned due to an accident), he likes to surround himself with people (to cure his loneliness) and chooses to be the clown/jokester in any social setting. Oh, he's bi and loves anyone who fits the nerdy category (corruption kink go brrr)
28 06,2021
Aniyae 07 06,2021
All of your OC's from when you were born to now have been brought to life. You all live in a big ass mansion and can interact with each other. What are your plans?
For me, it would be like a *big* problem cause I have a shit ton of OC's, and most of them are just hot demon boys or literal psychopaths. I know most of them wouldn't get along and try to kill each other (and me > >'). My oc crushes probably won't even acknowledge me but imma try to romance them >;)
07 06,2021
Trans people are so valid and if you disagree welcome to my block list.
for all my trans mutuals on this site i just wanna say I love each and everyone of y'all. Words cannot describe how beautiful y'all are. I hope you guys have a good day correction i hope y'all have a wonderful life. To those trans people that feel you aren't valid........ bitch you are so fucking valid. It does not matter if you get bottom surgery cuz you will be valid either way. And if you do get bottom surgery period do you bitch. Cuz that's your body tf do what you wanna do. Fuck all these super straights and they super bullshit and walk on these hoes. cuz the fact they think they can even get with y'all fine asses is embarrassing. Fuck then transphobes they just mad they aint as cute as y'all. anyway peace and love
20 04,2021
If i see a character w green hair i will certainty dislike them.

no offense to people who have green hair this is towards anime characters
20 04,2021
What the fuck did you just say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on AI-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. Do you think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the internet? Think again, fucker.

K now here's 2 picrews
20 04,2021
Hello its Yujin here, I'm just wondering if you could be any type of character in a webtoon without being a main character what would you be? ex. dead mom, sister, best friend, villain? You can be any type of character even a background one.
19 04,2021
17 04,2021
If your up, then describe your personality and your looks.
17 04,2021
Ya'll let's play. Give 1 lie and 1 truth and other people should guess which one is which and eventually you reveal which is actually the truth and lie. I wanna guess.

17 04,2021
i want to see you guys oc's
17 04,2021
This is gonna be long sorry in advance I'm really excited ( I know this isn't really the place to be asking these questions but I like you guys here and I know a lot of you watch anime so-)

Do you guys have your own original characters? (oc for short) I was sitting here bored and I've been thinking about writing a story about my OC for a while now (months) but sadly I'm not that good of a writer x_x and I don't know if her powers make sense in the mha universe and I'm also worried about my quirk ideal for her already being taken and I'd feel awful if I created the story and somebodys oc already has a quirk that is similar or the exact same to hers but I really like the idea

So I call her quirk Air Force and she's just awesome to me XD basically her powers come from the air well oxygen itself and she's capable of putting up these walls created out of air and she can make them solid and change their sizes and shapes the backlash is she has to hold her breath so if she stops holding her breath her quirk will also stop working until she starts holding it in again I don't want to dive too deep into how it works or all the things she can do because I haven't really figured it all out yet but yeah I just wanted to share and ask a few questions for starters

1. Do you know anyone who owns a character with that quirk?

2. What should her name be? I was thinking of looking up a name that means air or something like that but feels really cliche and I don't really know

3. I can't decide if I want her to be a villain but I'm so tired of the heroes ヽ(`Д´)ノ DOWN WITH THE HEROS! ANARCHY

4. Any ideals for the plot if I do make her a villain working with the lov because she will most definitely be with Shiggy I can't I'm a simp I can't be serious about making one of these stories and not have my OC with him XD (btw I never plan to make this public and I don't want to steal anyones ideals unless you'd like to share them with me)

5. I want to be sadistic and give her asthma good luck holding your breath for long now (I probably won't do this but it's just an evil thought I had as I was typing this)
13 04,2021
do it, you won't regret it :)))))
05 03,2021
Make and label a hero character, his lover and the bad guy you almost wish was the main character. You are welcome to substitute your own picrew but these are here as new options
04 03,2021
It’s never worked for me, but it’s worked for other people so I’m curious.
06 02,2021