Broke Up With Anyone Before

Yep. A toxic ex bitch friend. Apparently he thought it was funny to out my personal family problems to the whole class without my permission. I had a lot of bad experiences regarding toxic friends.   reply
27 06,2021
Asshole had the audacity to cheat on me with his ex. I chased him down the mountain and threw rocks at him. Kind of embarrassed now that I think about it. But it was worth it.   1 reply
27 06,2021
They be like BuT hIsOka Is HoT or He JuSt AtTaCtIve tO pOwErS. trying to hide the fact he wanted to r@ape killua and he is a pedo.   2 reply
06 05,2021
tried getting into hxh but hisoka made me so uncomfortable because he reminded me of someone and i just dropped the show   reply
06 05,2021
honestly idk i just like hisoka, if i could stop liking him i would   reply
06 05,2021
I don't like what he did, but I will say as someone who watched it as a came out back in 2011, but those types of jokes are pretty normal back then, not right, but normal. And I believe that if the author had any self-awareness that if the Remake was made now, he would take that out. I do like hisoka's character design, and personality type, the on......   reply
06 05,2021
[DELETED] 06 05,2021
Yup! I met this girl online and chatted for a bit then she asks me if we could be lovers since she saw in my bio that I was a lesbian. At first I didn't want to since I just met her but I felt bad so I decided to say yes anyway. Couple weeks later, I found out that she was straight so I broke up with her without saying the reason and deleted the ap......   reply
06 05,2021
Nah, but... I got rejected, ghosted, spurn, veto, decline 5 times already, I've been counting it... One of the harshest rejections I had was when I was called sus and got mistaken for being gay, and then I got declined after the whole thing. but yeah... It happens.   reply
06 05,2021
I keep hearing people talking about Hisoka saying the guy a pedo, first. who is Hisoka I know he a anime character.. but who is this guy?   2 reply
06 05,2021
It's me that one guy, who just reading comments.. again. I don't know what this is about, All I got to say is.... monke gorilla tortilla queue Esta boungus humongous sus on amongis like qerless fungus.. Hercules is Typhon poom boom. And don't intend drama, watch it from afar, but don't intend it (itself if it's something major like if someone was b......   reply
06 05,2021

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