Well in some way I somewhat agree well I grew in an Asian household where it's kinda "normal" (not really dunno) well if you'll hit your child you should consider their age and what they did wrong yeah you can adjust your punishment base on those circumstances anyway I did not really get hit, just a several times and it's kinda understandable since......   1 reply
03 07,2021
No. I dont hit children. I just talk to them then explain what right and what wrong and everything else.   reply
03 07,2021
I think no, it's just better to tell them, or have them do something in exchange for what they did wrong to compensate. My parents did use a leather belt on me when I was young *sad Asian twerking* but it stopped when I was about 9, so they probably just stopped because they knew I was more knowledgeable about stuff (and getting better grades). Per......   reply
03 07,2021
Teach them with your words. As someone who was physically abused under the guise of "discipline", let me tell you that it will fuck that kid up. Like. Physically, increased levels of cortisol from stress can have a neurotoxic effect and damage the brain permanently. And you can never know what will and will not cause trauma with someone. There is n......   reply
03 07,2021
Idk. I feel like I'm too violent to deal with kids and as much as I would like to smack tf out of those little gremlins, I can't and I have to control my anger   reply
03 07,2021
bruh 26 06,2021
i expected it from the start, i knew he was a sussy baka.. but... I MADE A WHOLE FUCKING ALBUM ON MGG AND GOOGLE DRIVE FOR HIM   1 reply
26 06,2021
Reincarnation manhwas [Experience]
13 05,2021
One of the things that irks me in reincarnation manhwas is when they get surprised or upset when the "main" story changes LIKE BESTIE OFC IT'S GONNA CHANGE, YOU CHANGED A VERY IMPORTANT PLOT DEVICE, HOW FUCKING STUP— Ehem anyway I want mihoyo to have a banner dedicated to the free characters cause I swear it's so fucking hard to pull for a kaeya......   2 reply
13 05,2021
Don say to your child “ why do you think I give birth to you, if not for money” . “Why did I give birth to a child like you” (in a bad way) if you meant good traits like handsome, kind etc. then that is okay. “What use do I need of you”   2 reply
01 05,2021
Don't do this. [Experience]
27 04,2021
If somebody specifically asks you not to spoil something, don't do it. It's not funny, I'm telling you now, if you think it's funny it's not. It's the same level humor of a 7th grade boy, it's annoying and ruins the experience. If you have done this before, it's okay there is still hope for you. Just don't do it anymore, nobody likes it except for ......   2 reply
27 04,2021
that ain't normal. do you have anyone to talk to about this?   reply
06 04,2021

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