Shipping Real Life People

honestly i prefer lightsabers, with the INSANE size the tops are given it's just painful to see a monstrous appendage in full detail   1 reply
28 04,2024
well it's not any different then looking at the screen or looking between my legs, But as a gay guy myself I personally love the light sabers I don't know why I think it's just because I'm so used to them in stories that it's just become a joke in the community and any time I see a very detailed cock in the manga I can appreciate the drawing absolu......   2 reply
28 04,2024
how do you react when they draw realistic drakes? personally there are some where they go realistically too FAR were they even DEtail THE VEINS AND MORE... i got a little used to seeing some of them but the one where theo go to far is when i stop reading the ml but sometimes i have to be strong and resist cause that mL so good or i just skip ...

So how do yall feel like when there isn't a glowstick?
28 04,2024
28 04,2024
I have been shipped with someone for a whole year one time, it made my year miserable, my friends and even people i didn’t know! were shipping me with this guy, worst part of all he called me slurs and would throw other insults at me, what made my year horrible was a girl came to the school, she was new and it turns out she had a crush on that gu......   2 reply
28 04,2024
Girl what the actual fuck go fuck yourself for making them both miserable for being such a selfish prick   reply
27 04,2024
Having a child [Answer]
☆Kiara☆ 04 10,2023
I would like to adopt since they needed the love that was taken away and also adopt some furry babies along the way....when im financially stable tho   reply
04 10,2023
huh 19 07,2023
no matter what is their sexuality its still horrible to ship real life people imo. not only does it make both of the parties uncomfy it also makes the relationship later on HELLA awkward and i unfortunately have some experience with this so guys pls dont do that … you can meet gay people irl easily u dont have to ship two random dudes okay   1 reply
19 07,2023
02 07,2021
Hey dude, not funny at all. I was shipped with my childhood friend and we didn't like it and it was uncomfortable for the both of us, and just like what you said, I came out as lesbian, but I don't have a crush on my childhood friend. Get help or something idk, what you did is very disgusting   reply
02 07,2021
Having a child [Answer]
24 06,2021
im thinking of adopting a kid someday. ofc when im financially stable so me n my foster child would do sunday family bonding thatd be fun   reply
24 06,2021
24 06,2021
And you found that funny?- I really hope your friend just left you alone after what you did ffs. Shipping real people is bad enough, but literally shipping a man with another man? Even though he turned out gay, he wasnt when you shipped him with your other friend. And being him being gay doesnt mean he liked your other friend. I hope you literally ......   1 reply
24 06,2021

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