01 08,2020
So today, I'm just here to rant about my older sister. She gets annoyed very easily and all and I get that but I just hate how she takes it out on me. Like for example, she literally play this one game and whenever she loses or is losing and I ask or tell her something like "Imma go cook" or "What are you doing?" She just glares at me and says shut up or be quiet. And then she expects me to not get pissed at her and later when she feels better, and I still feel pissed at her, she expects me to follow her mood. She also invades my privacy but wont let me into hers. Like she wants me to let her meet all my friends but she wont let me meet hers and see their coversation when she ex0ects to see mine with my friends.and when I vc with them, she gets really loud talking to her other friends and make unnecessary noises. And when I make a slight noise when she vc's she gets angry at me and mites herself and yells at me to be quiet. Last of all, she lies. It happened a long time ago but I feel like its still happening. A long time ago she was mad at her friend and made me text him in her stead. During the conversation He asked "Did you apologize to your sister for burning her?" I took it to her and asked her about it and she said "oh, it must be a figure of speech or something." I knew very well it wasnt one as it wasnt the first time I caught her but decided to just ignore that but I feel that its still happening bc all her friends dont have a good impression of me at all.

Sorry for the long rant but I just wanted to let it all out. Feel free to rant too.
01 08,2020
08 06,2020
honey you gotta get out of there. while i don't want to entirely blame your parents because of course they were raised in completely different, much more conservative times compared to what we're in, it's still terrible that they're like that - mine were too once, but not as much anymore. i know that most foreign cultures acknowledge hitting your c......   1 reply
08 06,2020
Scout 08 06,2020
I'm sorry you've had to go through this that all sounds terrible... I think you already know the answer to your question... Your parents aren't just toxic they are abusive. I really suggest leaving as soon as safely possible. You are a valuable person and don't deserve to be treated so badly.   reply
08 06,2020
Iby 08 06,2020
I am by no means an expert, but your close family indeed seems very toxic, I think you'd better move out as soon as you can, because physical and verbal abuse are equally dangerous for both your physical and mental health. It's a relief that you have someone you hold dear that can represent an emotional support when needed. I don't know if your ......   1 reply
08 06,2020
Shine 08 06,2020
They are definitely toxic and u did great sweety for not commiting suicide and giving yourself another chance. I pray that those 2 years pass in a flash so that u can be free from the toxicity and pain and that u can be happy with the person u love   reply
08 06,2020
I don't understand if my parents are toxic or not. I want listen to your side of story too and what you think about this.
Due to lock town I m not able to go to psychiatrist to confirm that I have BDP or not. In the past 3 months, I came to conclusion that I might have developed the symptoms because of my parents.
Here is the description of my parents.
My father is a army man, super strict. He was always a man whom me & my sibling feared, specially my elder brother because my father beats us too much and somewhat verbal abuse comes too. I vaguely remember that once he put a iron press on my foot. And somewhat verbal abuse too. He still try to slap me (I m 19 tho). I also heard from my mother that my father used to do domestic violence in his early age of marriage.
Now as of my mother, she is a narrow minded, illiterate, believer of male dominance type of person. When I was like 8 to 10 years old, my mother used to use inappropriate language towards me and whenever she suspect that I am at fault, she used to call me like "bitch, come here", I was so devastated because of this that I started to think I should change my name to bitch. And actually I do use bitch in my some of usernames. There is one more terms she used to say whenever she felt like that I am not intelligent enough ( altho it's in my native language but I will give u meaning of it) " that my mind is made of cow poop". With Verb abuse there was a physical pain accompanying with it. I don't even remember how many domestic items I been beaten with. Most items were : viper, broom, utensils. Worst of all is that my mother always sides with my brother & I can't hate my brother because he is the only one in my whole family I actually care about.
I actually have tried to do suicide 2 times but didn't do it because of my brother & a person I hold dear very very much. I have decided to leave my family in 2yr & propose that person.
08 06,2020

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