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I wanna get into makeup. I completely missed the learning stage years ago so I have no idea what to do. It's not really that I want to cover up my face, the idea of kinda putting all these creams and powders just seem fun. I'm interested in j-beauty and c-beauty. I like the style of light makeup and dark but I don't really know what would match up with my facial features. All I really wanna know at the moment is basically what I need/what's recommended and how to use it. I don't really care if the options are cheap or more on the pricey side. I'll appreciate any kind of help!!!
20 03,2024
wondering if any of you have words that you use only in ur family, word that already exist that u guys use diff or new words. like it might of started off as a joke but it a pretty normal word you use to describe something or just say to each other now.

for my family its "cherry" or "cherry Pepsi". it mean putting something old in with the same thing except its new. this happened bc my mom doesn't like to waste. so one Time my ddad got cherry Pepsi by accident and nobody in our family liked it. memo drank it even tho she didn't like it so it wouldn't be wasted.but when there was a little bit left she kept telling use to finish it but nobody wanted to. the regular Pepsi was already empty so my mom just poured the cherry Pepsi into the bottle of the regular. then throughout that day everyone drank it thinking its regular Pepsi only to be surprised. now whenever my mom puts something that has been left and not being used bc there's a new one and put what left of the old on in the new one, we say she did a cherry or cherry pepsi. the story is actually really funny even tho it doesn't sound it much, that why we still remember it and use that catchphrase. my mom tricked us all and she still does. like when im expecting fresh popcorn that I popped a bit ago and end up eating old stale soft one instead bc my mom decided to put an old bag of popcorn in my new fish ones.

I wanna know if there are other words like that for you guys bc it feels pretty special to me and ik that its gonna go down in our family history and become our vocabulary and it started in my gen.
06 06,2021
do yall have any lezhin smut comic recommendations? preferably straight uwu
01 03,2021
Drop your problems and let somebody find a solution.
23 02,2021
Its all my fault i'm a dumb bitch because if i just paid attention in class then maybe i wouldn't have such low grades
Its all my fault that i procastinate because its just so simple, just stand up and study and do work but i can't even do that
Its all my fault that i have a short attention span because its not as if i didn't have a choice, i could simply pay attention. Boom. Problem solved bit guess what i did? I didn't pay attention therefor its my fault
It all makes sense
This is why i became a worthless human being
Just a waste of air
I just became the daughter of some parents i'm not even worthy of
Some other smart kid should've been their child not me...
Maybe if i just kms then maybe that might lead them to get a new kid. A better, smarter kid
Its not as if they would care
I'm just another mouth to feed. Another annoyance. Another waste of space. Another waste of money

Well anyway that's what i came here to ask you, what's the fastest and most painless way to die?
23 02,2021
Does anyone here who is experience with makeup uses them? i tried using it earlier but i ended up being nauseous and had a headache. Google isnt helping.
02 02,2021