That my family loved me   reply
11 07,2021
Stalk me all you want. Just don't get caught. Because I've been stalked before and I caught that mf. I broke two of his ribs and stabbed him several times. The best thing is that I can practically kill these mfs and call it self defense. I have a lot of back up since I'm underage and rich.   reply
07 07,2021
Girl I feel you. I'm 16 too. But I'm 158 cm and 45 kg. So I'm small and I do not look intimidating. And I'm not bragging or anything but people say I'm attractive (all credits to my mom even tho I hate that bitch) and I've encountered a lot of creeps. My only defense mechanism is that I take taekwondo lessons. Still I can't go giving roundhouse ki......   reply
07 07,2021
Few ways   reply
30 06,2021
bondy11 30 06,2021
Honestly if you keep the boys that hit on me and confess to me away; sure   reply
30 06,2021
naveah 30 06,2021
this is not an opportunity to experience it, stalking is not a joke.   1 reply
30 06,2021
Fairy Wood
30 06,2021
No. Been there done that being stalked is not as fun as some people make it out to be.   reply
30 06,2021
bruh 30 06,2021
if you're caught stalking on me i won't hold back rawr.   1 reply
30 06,2021
Arysa 30 06,2021
Why would someone let you stalk them??? Is it a trend I am missing out on????   reply
30 06,2021
silly misa 30 06,2021
um no what.   reply
30 06,2021

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