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Big backathon 12 days
Now if I slapped you and stomped on you what would you do???
12 days
12 days
12 days
Why the fuck there is a shotacon genre??? I just realised it and seriously WTF. THAT'S FUCKING CHILD PORNOGRAPHY!
03 07,2021
but i got some new shoes that be lookin pretty slick, what do ya'll think?
01 02,2021
I'll make this short because people on here have short attention spans...

Why are people against shota but read stuff with characters that are in still in high school (who could be minors too)? Are smaller dingalings and flaps more illegal than a bigger ones?
What's the reason? Who made the rule that shota and loli is bad, but 15 years olds fucking like rabbits in a maths class isn't? What is the purpose of life? Why?...
08 11,2020
I've watched Boko no Pico 11 times and I can assure you it's not as bad as people say it is. You guys are just too afraid to aknowledge the beauty of cinema. Honestly I think it should get a Netflix Live Adaptation, Riverdale style, where they'll stretch out unimportant drama for entire seasons. We'll get to see a sexy Coco with a six pack ლ(´ڡ`ლ).
Also, Pico is hot, I'd love to peg him

Okay so now that i've hypnotised you, i'm doing this again, but a different way, it's shorter and i'm doing it in seperate parts, so DO NOT FUCKING COMPLAIN, OR ELSE. I only need opinions, and no. i don't have a wattpad, i'm not planning on publishing it (want to make it a webtoon tho), yes it's an original story, and if you don't really get what's going on I won't explain it to you because you don't deserve it.

She had dark, very dark hair, almost as dark as midnight. It added to her mysterious aura, the vibes she emitted were undecodable. Her fair complexion was smooth and glowing. Her entire eyes were pitch black but still managed to look peaceful and welcoming. Well, just for a quick glance. If you continued to stare at them with intense curiousity, you'll start to realise how these beautiful stygian-darkness coloured pearls were oh so frightening and how her gaze was nightmarish. They were like the famous mythical beasts, called sirens, who'd lure fishermen with their beauty and angelic voices down the bottom of the ocean, to kill them viciously. Her facial expression looked unbothered, as if she didn't care. Her thin but slightly pouty lips had no emotion in them, she wasn't biting her lips, nothing. The element on her face that seemed to have the slightest bit of life was her nose. She was constantly scrunching and sniffing, like when someone gets sick and has a cold. Except, she wasn't sneezing or coughing. Just simply sniffing and scrunching, non-stop. Her clothes were interresting: An all black outfit with a slight pinch of colour. Nothing less, nothing more. "A very unique fashion choice", you might say...
24 10,2020
I'm just curious about why exactly people like shota. I still read it but I only read it when I want to make myself feel hella disgusted. what's so good about shota? ik kids are cute but why kids in a sexual situation? you can find cute kid mangas without there being anything sexual so what about shota do you specifically like?
11 07,2020
Send them Memes

11 07,2020
So I've been thinking what does make you think that you want to spend your life with someone.Its just that so many people around me are getting married and I just don't understand how can you spend (or at least try to) the rest of your life with just that person.When do you know for sure that you're reading to give your time and strength (...) To only That person? How do you describe that feeling?

I know it's a very personal I apologise for my rudeness to ask this.
Maybe it's cause I lack age that I don't comprehend how can i see ,and live my life with that one person EVERY DAY for the rest of my life? I'm 100% that I'll get tiered...I guess marriage or commitment is much harder than I thought. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I hope at least someone gives me an answer( I can just imagine everyone going "what the heck with this topic...( ̄∇ ̄"))
Anyway, thank you for reading this (and it's ok if you don't reply)
17 02,2019
I'm curious on how people feel about shota manga? I kind of have a problem with it. I'm from the US so to us it's like child porn. Also I have 2 boy's. A 14 and a 6 year old. (Yes I'm old) I understand it's fiction but it just seems wrong. At least be 16 plus otherwise it just grosses me out.
15 06,2016