Nipplez [Question]
25 08,2017
Does someone know where I can get online some cute nipples piercings?
25 08,2017
Tongue piercing [Answer]
24 08,2017
I REALIZED I REPLIED TO SOMEONE ELSE ASFDJGK SORRY You have to avoid drinking alcohol, kissing , eating milk, cheese etc. and you have to suck on ice Also you better drink soap for a week. And don't change the piercing before 4 weeks ( which my piercer didn't tell me this and he said I can change it after 2 weeks so I did and right now I am in pai......   reply
24 08,2017
Tongue piercing [Answer]
24 08,2017
hi! when i did it i was recommended to never drink milk/ yogurt for 2 weeks cause it brings lot of bacteria. so, i usually mixed various things and drank them for the first week. yeah... not the best but it's a very delicate piercing and you better treat it well! :3ヾ(☆▽☆)   3 reply
24 08,2017
Tongue piercing [Answer]
Giakou 24 08,2017
Soup is too hot to eat, it will make your tongue keep being swollen. Eat and drink cold stuff, like a lot of ice cream during the first day. The tongue will go back to normal in 2 to 3 days. =)   1 reply
24 08,2017
Tongue piercing [Question]
24 08,2017
Can anyone with the experience of having a tongue piercing help me? I just got mine today and my tongue is now (naturally) very swollen and I want to know what is easy to eat? I was't even able to eat my soup just now! ^^
At this rate I wont be able to eat anything till the swelling dies down ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄
24 08,2017
13 in total [Experience]
Tak 17 08,2017
i have 3 lobes on each ear, triple helix on one ear and an industrial (it counts as 2 piercings) on the other. in my mouth i have a smiley and in my nose i have a septum. i got my industrial and first lobes done professionally while i did the rest nyself, and they're all healing very well. although getting it done didn't hurt much for me, the hea......   reply
17 08,2017
8 total [Experience]
Fujoghoul 17 08,2017
5 on my right ear and 3 on the left one, two of them are old uk the ones you get when you're only a baby but the rest at home, it didnt hurt but the ones on the *helix*? part of my ear FREAKIN HURT if I slept or if someone hit my ear by mistake it was so painful but yeah my mom didnt freak out when she found out she told us she wanted to do her ear......   reply
17 08,2017
Piercings [Experience]
17 08,2017
I had my ears first pierced when I was a baby, so I don't really remember what it was like. I do know that the piercing gun was used on my ears, which most experts do not recommend using. I got my second holes in both ears and bars in my nipples about two months ago at a tattoo parlor, where they used needles and tongs for piercings. It wasn't real......   reply
17 08,2017
Random! [Answer]
17 05,2017
1. Mike (Ijiwaru Na Kuchizuke) I want to adopt him so bad ;_; --I mean, look at him... LOOK AT HIM!! 2. Hakuyou (Hakuyou Ayakashi Gatari) I want to adopt him too >.< 3. Rin-tan (Katekyo!) just throw him in there as well, I'm on a rampage XD   1 reply
17 05,2017
Random! [Answer]
17 05,2017
1. Misaki Shouta from Hana no Mizo Shiru 2. Ryou from Bokura no Negai 3. Yoon Tae-min from At the End of the Road   3 reply
17 05,2017

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