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When I was 17 I smashed hand in wall and broke one of my bone
01 12,2023
The other day i was ranting about the hatred i have for the "slave that gets 'saved' by the Mc and basically sees them as a God and falls in love with them" trope and it got me curious what other tropes get people to let out a deep sigh when they see it lol
27 10,2023
My friend just told me she stuck up a cotton swab up her asshole to clean it, and idk how westerners clean their assholes since I’m asian, but please tell this isn’t how it works, she just told me it was totes normal
25 04,2021
for me its burger king-
25 04,2021
25 04,2021
do you guys you know try wanna suck a dick(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ like imagining
25 04,2021
Have you ever met someone who's so toxic that you want to kill him/her/they/them or whatever they're pronounce is
25 04,2021
No cappin
01 03,2021
Mangago has been acting really weird lately. Its been randomly deleting users and apparently in this new development, cum4 is shadow banned now???? how does that happen??
01 03,2021
On what site you are going to read mangas if mangago will shut down?
23 01,2021
Now that your here which is better orange juice,apple juice,grape,watermelon,etc any type of juice and why. if you please i just want to figure out what the majority of us like between the battle of juices.Just curious and bored :)
12 01,2021
I have haha. It happen earlier today. To start off, I recently shaved my head (it has kinda long fuzzies) and today was the first day I went into class with my hair shaved. And there was a girl in a class of mine that was just straight up being a bitch. I walked into class and sat down as usual, and she walked up to me and said " Did you get a haircut? " which I replied with yes. " It looks...decent." Then she went on about how the back looked uneven and my sideburns look "off" I was just sitting there like, bitch just say you don't like it and fuck off. I dont need you going on about how bad and uneven my hair looks ╥﹏╥
12 01,2021
hi! im bored as hell n i need some ppl to talk to !!!! i never really post shit to the forums here but

anyone wanna be friends on insta? i'm 18 and nonbinary. my pronouns are he/they. PLEASEE for the love of god no mlm or wlm fetishizers !! !! i'd prefer if you were 17+ simply bc i'm not comfy making jokes around minors
12 01,2021
Aries: Hides in a closet and screams demonically at night

Taurus: Doesn't really do much, often found in inanimate objects

Gemini: Knocks shit over, scrapes nails on walls, smashes glass

Cancer: Comforts small children, acts as guardian angel, protects loved ones

Leo: Terrorizes crowds has a soft spot for children

Virgo: Re arranges everything, often haunts the same place

Libra: Shows up in mirrors, leaves clues where to find them

Scorpio: seeking revenge, haunts people that did them wrong

Sagittarius: Sets shit on fire

Capricorn: Summons Lucifer in people's homes

Aquarius: Possess people

Pisces: Little girl ghosts, often plays with other little kids and becomes their 'best friend', Can be either good or bad

So which one are you?
I'm an Aries and I totally accept my ghost type ( ̄∇ ̄") hehe
12 01,2021
Amazingly I liked all my gifts this time so that's good
29 12,2020
I'm bored and I got nothing better to do
29 12,2020
your 4th picture got murdered (died by getting shot in the head)
your 15th and 9th picture is the lead detective in this murder case
you're 17th , 20th and 36th are the prime suspects.
22 11,2020
Pls I want to feel like I have a father :,(
22 11,2020

now that I got your attention I just wanted to thank you guys fr Existing you really make me feel like belong so I gift you wholesome granpa doing joji cover
Have a nice day
08 09,2020
Anyone got tips to ease your frustrations like a thing you do to calm you down? I usually just go silent and take deep breaths but sometimes it hurts if you do it everyday (yeah everything irritates me lol)
25 08,2020