weii 12 01,2021
hi! im bored as hell n i need some ppl to talk to !!!! i never really post shit to the forums here but

anyone wanna be friends on insta? i'm 18 and nonbinary. my pronouns are he/they. PLEASEE for the love of god no mlm or wlm fetishizers !! !! i'd prefer if you were 17+ simply bc i'm not comfy making jokes around minors
12 01,2021
12 01,2021
Aries: Hides in a closet and screams demonically at night

Taurus: Doesn't really do much, often found in inanimate objects

Gemini: Knocks shit over, scrapes nails on walls, smashes glass

Cancer: Comforts small children, acts as guardian angel, protects loved ones

Leo: Terrorizes crowds has a soft spot for children

Virgo: Re arranges everything, often haunts the same place

Libra: Shows up in mirrors, leaves clues where to find them

Scorpio: seeking revenge, haunts people that did them wrong

Sagittarius: Sets shit on fire

Capricorn: Summons Lucifer in people's homes

Aquarius: Possess people

Pisces: Little girl ghosts, often plays with other little kids and becomes their 'best friend', Can be either good or bad

So which one are you?
I'm an Aries and I totally accept my ghost type ( ̄∇ ̄") hehe
12 01,2021
Tell me a joke [Answer]
moz 11 01,2021
My family. No like seriously please help me   reply
11 01,2021
My sibling gave me a card that simply said, "You ugly" bruh.   reply
29 12,2020
what i got is tests from all the subjects and tasks to do from all the subjects and the break of mine did not deserve to be called a break and stress from teachers because of their due datess of the task there giving   reply
29 12,2020
a 4-day long winter break & 6 assignments, feeling blessed ヾ(☆▽☆)   reply
29 12,2020
Expectations:what i get:   reply
29 12,2020
My grandmother gave me money and my happiness can't be measured The money is only 20 php (0.42 USD) but I just hugged her and smiled cause she's precious and even though it's not much I'll make it my lucky charm.   reply
29 12,2020
i got nothing bad but i had thought i got a 100 dollar bill but boom it ended up being 10 dollars   reply
29 12,2020
29 12,2020
Murdered Lead detective Suspects (For some reason I can't add the 36th pic :"()   reply
29 12,2020

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