I'm not even being funny but you don't see anyone actually go by this pronouns in real life so why so mad? I guess I'm biased cause I use he they pronouns but let's keep it abuck for a second have you ever seen someone use an emoji pronoun in real life? No man it's mostly people who are chronically online so why not ignore it since it's easier to a......   2 reply
22 08,2023
Like people are out here really choosing pronouns like “xe” or “catself” or emoji pronouns like you cannot be serious…. And before the Pronoun pixies come to attack me by saying things like “it’s not hurting anyone” well no shit but if u really expect people to call u catself or xem…receive some help. Come up to me and say “my pronouns are xe xem” or “they/she/it/void” I’m gonna laugh at ur face.
22 08,2023
I don’t wanna admit it but i blushed for a sec   reply
05 07,2021
You had me there for a moment lmao! You absolute beast ILY!!   reply
05 07,2021
Stahp, U making me bLuSh~ I'm emBAraSs. It's emBAraSsing   reply
05 07,2021
you're kinda hot, do you use sexy/bitch? cause that's sure what you look like bro   1 reply
16 06,2021

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