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basically i've been spending a lot of time with her and i have a huge crush on her. but she can be emotionally unavailable and sometimes disappears for days or even weeks/months. she touches me randomly on my face or strokes my arm when she thinks i'm sleeping (i sometimes spend the night with her in her room) or she just straight up will touch me and say "i just wanted to touch you". we find each other physically attractive but she is affectionate with her other friends and a notorious flirt who flirts with a lot of people for fun and recently told me she hooked up with someone because she was feeling lonely and stressed. i didn't realize i liked her until i literally started crying after imagining her with someone that wasn't me. it sucked so much. but even outside of romantically she is my closest friend and i love her so much. she's so funny and sweet to me and swears she isn't nice but she always helps people in need. i feel so good when i'm with her, like i have nothing to worry about and she feels like home to me. i think i'm really in love with her. but i don't think she feels the same way and that's terrifying. i really wanna tell her bc this has been weighing on me really heavily for a week now and im already expecting rejection, but i'm still scared. should i tell her?
29 08,2023
No Homo 29 08,2023
I don't have reddit but I saw things like these on tiktok and I really do need advice:

I, 20 F, and currently with my secret long term boyfriend, 60 M, of two years. He's married and has two kids (one of them is my best friend, she doesn't know obviously, the other is 10 M), but we kept it under wraps so it doesn't really matter.

Anyways, the thing is the sex is so good - I'm talking the mind blowing because he is packingggg (like judge me all you want but you would understand if you saw his junk) but I feel like we've been getting wayyyyyy too comfortable.

While his youngest is at school and his wife/daughter are at work, I come over (I quit my job spend more tine with him) and we are like bunnies in heat (๑•ㅂ•)و✧, we do it everywhere. On the kitchen counter, in his son's bed, on the dressing table, in the bath, I mean everywhere.

One time the younger kid comes back from school early! and he freaking walks in on us doing the devil's deed on his sister's bedroom (what was he even gonna do there, that freak to be honest) but its fine because I shut him up by guilting him that if he tells anyone he will be the reason his family breaks apart so its fine.

But the problem comes after because I think my bf developed that kink where you like being watched... he literally bought like 10 mannequin sex doll things just to place them around us while we have sex. It's made me sooo uncomfortable so I lashed out at him and said I won't have sex with you anymore if you don't get rid of those.

We haven't had sex for 3 days but I'm like so horny, and I feel bad. Maybe I was am I the asshole? should I apologise to my bf because everyone has kinks tbh. Thanks guys in advance, I appreciate it (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
29 08,2023
Do you have a movie you love that is overlooked and underrated? Why?
(It can be animated or live just recommend me good movies)
28 08,2023
Mainstream Author these days don't know how to write a great story. I have no clue how stories like Love is an Illusion got so famous. They only serve the Rich boy-Poor Bitch meal with extra rape on the side. Double points if its omegaverse. Because doesn't Omegaverse make everything so much more easier? Don't wanna fuck the SEME? Well too bad, you're in heat bitch now go fuck Mr.Rich Daddy Big Dicks without your consent. OH! and please get pregnant for me? PWETTY PWEASE!!!! I want babies! GIVE ME BABIIIIIESSSS!!!

Don't worry Cum-Covered little 3ft Omega-san, you don't like the sex but your body does hahahhahaha. Now Seme-Kun that lacks personality, shower your lwittle cinnamon Bun with money like he's a striper, until he subdues to your toxic behavior. OH! and don't forget to buy a crib for your unborn child conceived on your one night stand of rap- fun!. YAY!
29 07,2023
So i hate abo right lol, its just not my genre even tho i like some parts of it. But im (genuinely) curious why lots of people love it, when it seems like they hate the most important parts of it..? For ex the reviews of Koishite kissshite kanjaitai are all “finally a healthy and consensual abo” but if the characters manage their heats and have equal societal status then just.. why read? I thought the genres appeal was all the feralness but maybe im wrong? Any thoughts appreciated!
23 06,2021
I know that in omegaverse men can get pregnant but all it take is just sperm and then they suddenly have a baby. How???
Do they have a womb somewhere and do they have periods... Where does the baby grow? I've been thinking about this for days, how does it work.
25 11,2020
I have been thinking about this for a while but I wanted to hear others thoughts on it. So In omegaverse it says that men and women are split into 3 genders. So this got me asking if an omega pretends their an alpha or something like that, isn't that technically a genderbender? Since alpha, beta and omega are genders.
11 10,2020
Is it just me, or does omegaverse feel like a repeating history of women rights. Is that how you explain it? Sorry if this is confusing or worded wrong, but you get my idea, right?
08 10,2020
The flushed emoji the smirk emoji the eye roll emoji and the middle finger emoji

(It wouldnt allow me to use emojis idk why,)
02 10,2020
Sksksksksks 26 09,2020
Does anyone have a recommendation for a mpreg that shows the pregnancy?
26 09,2020
I'm curious about some omega man get pregnant how he give a birth? It's like a mother give a birth?
And more importantly WHERE THE BABY COME OUT OMG (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
From his ass???

And I read many manga about Omegaverse but the story tells many different facts about Omega in heat and Impregnant.
Is it true if Omega after give a birth his life became shorter and his body kinda fragile?

I know it's not real but I just curious with this things.

*CMIIW cause I know I not fluent in english*
Thanks ( ◜‿◝ )♡
31 08,2020
Me want fluffy sensei yaois it don’t gotta be fluffy it can be any genre and don’t needa be Yaoi also plz if the sensei is a pedo I don’t want it thank youuuuu. (=・ω・=)
12 08,2020
why you dumb sluts hating on hisoka i fucking hate you whore ass bitches hisoka best boy and i hope everyone who hates him rots in hell and gets diarrehea fuck you bitches
12 08,2020
We dont know much about the diference the omega verse has on females. I always just assumed that if omega they would get the horny part and if alfa they would get the whole better at everything thing. But just now i had a possibly really stupid line of thinking.

Like if its a lesbian couple can the alfa female inpregnate the other partner? and if thats a thing. On a straight relationship can she impregnate the omega male? and just how exactly?!

╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Curious on yalls theory
11 08,2020
Maybe it just me but I'm always constipated for literally no reason. But if I had omega biology or just yaoi biology in general, I'm sure a self-lubing ass would make shitting easier than ever before lmaoo ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
anyway omegaverse is kinda weird and the concept is mediocre, but it's always executed awfully in manga. I rlly be seeing God tier fanfcition that's polishes the concept and then manga that takes a fat shit on the trope.
08 08,2020
So since y'all seem to like to say that Omegaverse is "based upon wolves", let's sit down and have a fun little chat about how it's not. Because it isn't. At all.

The Alpha/Beta/Omega hierarchy is known as "pack theory", where there's supposedly a domineering "alpha" wolf on top who's in charge of all the other wolves, an "omega" wolf that's at the bottom of the ladder, and the majority middle consisting of "beta" wolves.


The "experiment" that resulted in this theory ocurred in the 1940's. Swiss animal behaviorist Rudolph Schenkel took 10 wolves from completely different groups who had never interacted before, put them in captivity, and watched to see what would happen. They did in fact result what is considered the a/b/o hierarchy, however...


Wolves in the wild do NOT do this. Wolf "packs" in the wild are familial. They consist of a mated pair and their offspring that depart the "pack" as they get older. Occasionally multiple families will group together.

But there is NOT an "alpha" wolf that sits at the top of the ladder, and there is NOT an "omega" wolf that sits at the bottom. These only exist in artificially created environments and circumstances like the one created by the experiment that caused this misinformation.

So when you say that omegaverse is "based on wolves", what would be infinitely more accurate to say is that omegaverse is "based on debunked science that has no bearing on how wolves naturally behave".

This is not hard information to find. A quick google search will easily land you into quite informative territory that backs this up. For any of you mildly interested in it, I would encourage you to do so, it's an interesting read.
20 07,2020
zukkun 05 05,2020
just want to know y’all thoughts on omegaverse, the dynamics of alpha, beta, and omega and how they were treated in manga/manhwa. alongside recommendation! have fun pouring your thoughts! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧
05 05,2020