Thought On Omegaverse

Uh... yeah.... you're point? This is more to the commenters than the OP. I like omegaverse. It's one of my favorite actually. And no not because of junk science excuse...HELLO it's fiction! It's not only omegaverse that includes rape. Most smut genres do. Yaoi and Yuri and Josei and Barra.... but omegaverse isn't ONLY rape. In fact the actu......   2 reply
20 07,2020
To me, omegaverse is one of the many unhealthy ways we have found in order to keep perpetuating roles and stereotypes for those in (mainly) homosexual relationships; and if that was mostly it, then perhaps a part of me would've been indifferent to it, yet it also helps enable: the fetishism of minors (yes, your "ukes" do look like extremely young c......   reply
20 07,2020
spitting more facts as usual   1 reply
20 07,2020
I'm not a fan of the Omegaverse in any way, and I'll be the last person to say it has any redeeming qualities.... But does this matter? I've never seen anyone making this claim. And such a claim wouldn't carry any weight anyway, what with the fact that even if this behavior had been seen in wolves, it wouldn't logically carry over to humans. It's ......   3 reply
20 07,2020
And that's not even beginning to get into the problematic aspects of omegaverse from a content standpoint. Some of y'all already know how I feel about omegaverse, and getting into that in the question itself would make this long ass post way longer than it already is, so I'll just list the issues here: -Pheromones are nothing more than a conveni......   1 reply
20 07,2020
So since y'all seem to like to say that Omegaverse is "based upon wolves", let's sit down and have a fun little chat about how it's not. Because it isn't. At all.

The Alpha/Beta/Omega hierarchy is known as "pack theory", where there's supposedly a domineering "alpha" wolf on top who's in charge of all the other wolves, an "omega" wolf that's at the bottom of the ladder, and the majority middle consisting of "beta" wolves.


The "experiment" that resulted in this theory ocurred in the 1940's. Swiss animal behaviorist Rudolph Schenkel took 10 wolves from completely different groups who had never interacted before, put them in captivity, and watched to see what would happen. They did in fact result what is considered the a/b/o hierarchy, however...


Wolves in the wild do NOT do this. Wolf "packs" in the wild are familial. They consist of a mated pair and their offspring that depart the "pack" as they get older. Occasionally multiple families will group together.

But there is NOT an "alpha" wolf that sits at the top of the ladder, and there is NOT an "omega" wolf that sits at the bottom. These only exist in artificially created environments and circumstances like the one created by the experiment that caused this misinformation.

So when you say that omegaverse is "based on wolves", what would be infinitely more accurate to say is that omegaverse is "based on debunked science that has no bearing on how wolves naturally behave".

This is not hard information to find. A quick google search will easily land you into quite informative territory that backs this up. For any of you mildly interested in it, I would encourage you to do so, it's an interesting read.
20 07,2020
05 05,2020
just want to know y’all thoughts on omegaverse, the dynamics of alpha, beta, and omega and how they were treated in manga/manhwa. alongside recommendation! have fun pouring your thoughts! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧
05 05,2020

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